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“Unto Him Who has loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” -Rev 1:5,6.

If you have been genuinely seeking for the truth, whatever background you are from, this book is for you. You search ends here. Jesus testified about Himself, “I am the way, the truth and the life”. He is the Son of God Who took the form of sinful man. Jesus is the brightness of God’s glory, and the express image of His person. He is the perfect representation of God on earth for man to observe, listen to, feel, converse with and love. Here is the good news in a nutshell for you:

God made man in His own image and likeness to share His love with him. The Devil was God’s own creation. He turned God’s enemy because of his uncouth ambition to become like his Creator. God warned man that disobedience would result in death. Man fell into the snare of the d’evil; man broke away from God to follow his own will to fulfil his own desires, whims, and fancies. Eventually, man became a slave to Satan. God judged that blood must be shed as penalty for the remission of sin.

God had factored in this breakaway of man even before his fall. God wanted to show to His spirit beings that there would be a New Creation that desires His ways, submit to His will, and love Him unconditionally. In love, God ordained Christ, the Word of God as the Lamb of God; He would take away the sin of the world; He would shed His precious blood as ransom to redeem the lost. The Son of God became man and took the punishment of sin on Himself to save mankind from destruction and a Godless eternity. Jesus gave His life on the cross at Calvary and died approximately two thousand years ago. However, as the Son of God, He was raised from the dead on the third day, to live for ever more.

All who believe in this salvation plan of God should receive Jesus as the Saviour. They become the children of the Most High God. The Father is the Sovereign One Who reigns Supreme eternally. As per His eternal purpose and His unfailing plan, they will be with their Lord God for ever.

God’s intent was that man should exercise God’s authority over His creation. What the unbelieving man lost was restored to His believers. The Lord Jesus Christ, before His ascension, sent the Chosen with a mandate to enforce His power on earth; He would rule from Heaven.

This message of hope has been revealed in God’s book called the Bible. It contains the promise of eternal life. The Scriptures were written over a period of approximately sixteen hundred years by nearly forty human writers, all inspired by one Author, God. There is one theme that runs through the sixty-six books of the Bible – the Son of God, and God’s redemption plan for man through this Lord Jesus Christ.

God sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in man to teach and guide him in all the truth. Believers become the temple of this Holy Spirit and have the privilege of learning from Him. He dwells in His Church, His people.

By stacking away the word of God, today’s believers forfeit their privilege to commune with God. They get carried away by modern-day preachers who form their own theories not based on bible doctrines but on long-held heresies. The world today has been deceived by the devil with his false promises of freedom, riches, and power. This ‘world’ includes the Christian ‘believers’ who seek after the world instead of godliness. For them, Christianity is another religion, not a life in Christ.

The Book of Revelation has been distorted heavily by today’s preachers; it is difficult to find interpreters of the signs / symbols that dominate the book though this is what the Lord told the readers to do. Many take a purely ‘literal’ route and end up with doctrines that are demonic and that which contradict the core truth of the Scriptures.

If you are one among the Elect, you will see that this book brings to the fore the truth that has for long been kept shadowed by the unbiblical eschatology that is prevalent in the last-days Church.

If you ‘don’t care a hoot’ about God, this book comes to you as a warning to review your stand and turn your heart to the Almighty.

Read on. You will discover the Truth, Jesus, Who is coming again.

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