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Preface to the Book

Present tense; future perfect for the believers in Christ.

If the book of Revelation is already revealed, what is the need for another book to explain the visions and the symbols contained in them? Are there treasures of information concealed in these signs? Is Revelation not all plain-talk? Is it not to be taken literally? Can’t the reader understand it straight way?

Most believers tend to set aside this book in the Bible because of the difficulties it poses in comprehending the message. First, there are numerous symbolism that require a complete dependence on the Holy Spirit for their interpretation. Then, there are a lot of numbers. Each interpreter has a way of explaining these numbers leading to confusion. Above all there is the grammar (tense!) that adds to the confusion as to the time of the events. Another dominant reason is that it contains passages about death, destruction and doom none would wish to hear. One of the trending excuses for not reading Revelation is, “Why get obsessed with prophecy when we have more important work to pursue, like, say, evangelisation of the world, or, sanctification of the Church?”

On the other hand, there is one significant populace among the believers that is heavily obsessed with the book that they keep preaching and writing incessantly about the events in Revelation. There is even a branch of study called Eschatology purely confined to this branch of Scripture. Thousands of books bear the word ‘Apocalypse’ in their titles. Even the unbelieving heathen produce films and books with this theme, thereby misleading the masses.

The danger that the first kind are putting themselves into is the same that the religious people of Jesus’s days put themselves into: not discerning the times they are in and not preparing themselves for the obvious. Why would God include this book in the Bible if this can be ignored from the rest? Just because this book appears last does not mean that it should be regarded the least. And, does not the evangelistic message include the return of Jesus Christ? Should not the believers long for the return of their Lord? What is the point of being sanctified if there is no anticipation of the reward? Would not the Church yearn for the day her Bridegroom would come to take her home? Moreover, the book not only shows the doom of Satan and his dark kingdom but also details the triumph of truth over evil, the victory of the saints over the ungodly and the conquest of evil powers by the people of God. Why fear? Blessed are those who read, hear and keep the words in the book.

The danger of the later kind is that there is a huge number of bible prophecy interpreters who try every tactic to establish a relation between current affairs and the Bible events of Revelation. They forget that the prince of this world is trying all tricks up his sleeve to lead people into delusion. Satan would try to distract people’s attention from the original and the actual to the false and the hype so that even the Chosen Ones are deceived. And he would use the deceived leaders in the last-days church to drag away masses from the truth. Remember the words of the Lord Jesus who said many are those who enter through the wide gate into the broad way which leads to destruction. Very few find the straight gate that leads into the narrow way but it leads to life. If anything is the opinion of the majority these last days, always beware! When the Son of man comes, shall He find faith? It would be rare or nil. Question every popularly held belief. The answers might shock you. They might open people’s eyes to hidden truths that have been shrouded by lies all along.

The Lord who revealed visions to Daniel of the Old Testament times said that the end time prophecies would be closed up and sealed for the readers until the time of the end. Any attempt to interpret them before this time of the end would be pointless and at the most futile. And the time of the end began when the fig tree blossomed in a vain attempt to defy the curse of the Lord. Israel became a country in a political sense in 1948 CE. It did not become a nation; it can’t; very few can trace their Jewish root through his/her father. Today, a Jew is one who is born to a Jewish mother (Current US Veep!). Even believers around the world have fallen for this deception of the Devil who has been loosened out of the bottomless pit for a small season from then on (1948 CE). (The dragon had been locked in the bottomless pit throughout the Church times unable to deceive the nations anymore. That would be the time of the gentiles that immediately followed the 490 years (Seventy Sevens / weeks) of Daniel’s people (the Jews) as per Daniel 9. Misinformed believers keep praying for the peace of Jerusalem and keep blessing Israel although a huge majority of today’s Jews have not repented (“won’t repent” said the last POTUS) of their sins and have not accepted Jesus as their Messiah yet. Most of them in Israel are atheists and agnostics today. A lot many Jews are Hindu high caste Brahmins and animists scattered across the world. Very few are religious Jews but not believers; an empty religion can’t save even them. Only Jesus Christ can. It is high time we prayed for the salvation of the Jews! Salvation for the Jews is possible only now, not during a non-existent seven-year tribulation period. God does not hold two different measuring rods, one for the gentile and another for the Jew. Apostle Peter stated so in the book of Acts.

I am not antisemitic. Antisemitism is one of the most misconstrued terms of the modern world. In fact, it is the Jews who have unleashed casteism and racism in the society and has divided and disseminated it beyond repair. Recollect the mention of Samaritans, tax collectors, Canaanites, the Syro-Phoenician woman, Pontius Pilate, Cornelius and Galatian believers in the New Testament as pariahs or low caste to the Jews of the time. This social evil keeps the downtrodden / Dalits to rise against these ‘Highers / Iyers (in India)’ but with nil results. Ironic indeed! Hitler, himself a fair skinned Aryan Jew, slaughtered sixty million colour-skinned Jews giving rise to the term “antisemitic”. I have no ill feelings against Israel or the USA, but they fall in perfect places in the end time prophecy tapestry that the obvious cannot be disregarded. I am pro-Christ. I am Antisatan. I am anti-antichrist.

Here is a gist of current beliefs about the Second coming of Christ:

“The Lord Jesus Christ will come back on the clouds (secretly as a thief exclusively to rapture His Church in the first phase as per the Pre-trib fanatics). A third world war will be fought against the Jews in the vicinity of today’s Israel. The Prophetic clock that stopped at the time of Jesus, will tick again. Antichrist will sign a peace treaty with the Jews to bring the war to an end. Jews would have built their temple in Jerusalem. By the middle of the seven years, i.e., after exactly three and a half years, Antichrist will turn around to show himself as god and sit in the Jerusalem temple. Jews will realise that they have been fooled and then look for their messiah to deliver them from the Antichrist. (Post-trib maniacs say) Exactly after the seven years reign of the Antichrist, (mid-trib freaks say after three and a half years) Jesus will come again gloriously as the reigning messiah in the next phase. All Jews will be saved. He will set up His earthly Kingdom to rule from Jerusalem as the King of the Jews and the world at large. The Church (believers) will reign with Him for exactly thousand years. Satan will be bound during this period; he will be loosed for a short while after this confinement. The Devil will gather a global army numerous as the sand of the sea to fight against the Lord (at Armageddon? popularly known as the fourth world war); Satan would ultimately be devoured by fire from heaven”.

Most of the content above was proposed by a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera (AD 1645) to safeguard the position of the Pope and to counter the Reformation movement by Martin Luther. He threw back prophecy to a faraway time in the future. This line of interpretation was carried over by Cardinal Robert Bellarmine and Manuel de Lacunza (AD 1812), also Jesuit Priests. They were the members of the militant Society of Jesus (SJ) but were actually a Society of Satan. They infiltrate the Church to destroy it. Does any evangelist with the title SJ come to your mind?

Pastor Edward Irving (1929), the acknowledged forerunner of both the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements (Catholic Apostolic Church), adopted the Lacunza line and created the ‘Secret Rapture’ and the two-phase return concept. John Henry Newman propagated the Jesuit concepts in England.
To cut a long story short, this was accepted as the correct interpretation by John Nelson Darby of the Plymouth Brothers of England. He got a confirmation of this after a girl (prophetess?) of fifteen years Ms Margaret MacDonald is alleged to have received visions confirming this line of interpretation. Some of Darby’s own ‘Brethren’ disowned this interpretation of Daniel Nine and Revelation and left his fellowship. This false teaching entered the Dallas Theological Seminary. C I Scofield (an alleged criminal accused of financial misappropriation), who graduated from here, propagated this ‘futurism’ through his Study Bible. So do many of its graduates. Even Dakes takes the ‘literal approach’ to Revelation. Hal Lindsay adopted this line of heresy in his book ‘The Late Great Planet Earth’ (1970s). Tim Lahaye (1990s) and Jerry B Jenkins continued this in their ‘The Left Behind’ series books. (Many of these and their progenies adopt the filthy American lifestyle that approves LGBTQAI+ inclusivity and polygamy). They advocate a ‘parentheses’ between the sixty-ninth and seventieth weeks of Daniel Nine. They say that God stopped (!) the ‘prophetical clock’ when the Jews rejected the Messiah (Who could not (?) establish His kingdom) when He came to His own and that God will let the clock tick again (!) when the Antichrist, a man, arrives in the scene soon.

John McArthur of Grace Theological Seminary, Chuck Smith, Jack Van Impe, John Hagee, Trinity Broadcasting Network and Tyndale House Publishing take this heretical line of interpretation of Prophecy.

Albert Barnes, John Calvin, Adam Clarke, John Gill, Matthew Henry, Phillip Mauro, Matthew Poole, Charles H. Spurgeon, William Tyndale, John Wesley, John Wycliffe – none of these accepted this Jesuit doctrine.

This end-time doctrine is the greatest deception that Satan has stitched together that even a great many of the Chosen have fallen to. The Elect have been blindsided by this deception of the Devil that they fail to see the obvious that is happening in front of their very eyes even now. Believers do not read the Bible to understand prophecy; they listen to messages (and watch TV). Many of today’s pastors toe this line of interpretation because they are depending more on the ‘authorities on prophecy’ and their books than the Holy Spirit, the Author of Scripture. These pastors are leading their congregation astray by teaching this dogma. If you have been attending a fellowship that has such a leadership, beware!

We have come almost to the end of history of this planet and age. All that remain are the events leading to the winding up of everything relating to time and space. Heaven and earth will pass away. Time shall be no more. His-story in time is coming to an end on earth. When these things begin to come to pass, look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draws near. You shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. That will be the moment of the ages, the long-awaited moment for the Church but it will also be the shunned and dreadful moment for the world that will be judged.

I started writing this book for my children and my loved ones. I do not want to give them a false hope that all believers will escape the ‘great tribulation’ that will be unleashed on this earth by an end-time Antichrist. I would rather warn them and prepare them for the inevitable persecution (that is already happening in various parts of the civilized (?) world) and be wrong than remain silent to let them face shocks and trauma inadvertently. What if I am right? The odds are on my side.

My Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon. He is coming only one more time. This will be His second coming. No more a third. And it is not a secret event. It will be public, obvious and loud. Rapture for the believers. Doom for the ungodly. Which group do you belong to?

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