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Why is BC and AD being replaced by BCE and CE in history?

Historians who record human history try to fix time for every event that has ever happened on this earth by a reference system. European historians who were predominantly Roman Catholics (RC are not Christian) started following the Julian calendar and later the Gregorian Calendar (instituted in Oct 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII and authorised by him) and put the birth of Jesus Christ as the beginning of the new era.

Historians thought that the birth of Jesus Christ would be the best milestone for reference in the history of mankind – and rightly so as you would have been following in ABHOT. So, AD was attached to any date after that historic birth date in His-story. Every date subsequent to this year is calculated from the year of the Lord Jesus Christ. Anno Domini – Anno means year and Domini means the Lord, in Latin, the only recognised official language by the Roman Catholics at that time (and long afterwards). All dates prior to this year are denoted by BC, which is Before Christ, which is English, not Latin.

Jesus Christ created His-story and history by being born into this world as the very image of God. He (Christ, the Son of God) is the image of the invisible God – Col 1:15; 2 Cor 4:4. Who (Christ) being the brightness of His (God’s) glory, and the express image of his person – Heb 1:3. But BC is a misnomer. Christ being God, has always existed even before time, space and matter came into being. So, there was nothing (certainly not the “nothing” of the evolutionists 😊) Before Christ.

BCE was introduced by modern Historians intending to get rid of the term Christ from history books to make history more secular. According to them, BCE is Before Common Era and CE is Common Era. But why is the present era called Common Era and why any time prior to that is uncommon era, only the modern-day historians must answer. A more appropriate expansion to BCE could be Before Christ on Earth and anything after that His-storical event could be CE, i.e., Christ on Earth.
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