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What do we know about the Egyptian Pyramids?

We see a mention of the name Job in Genesis. He is listed as one of the sons of Issachar: the sons of Issachar; Tola, and Phuvah, and Job, and Shimron. – Gen 46:13. This could be the same Job of Ur of the Chaldees. He is also known as Cheops and Kufu (Ayyub in Urdu / Arabis).

Let us hear from Herman L Hoeh, a well-known pyramidologist, from his essay in the magazine The Plain Truth – May 1964

Opposite Cairo, across the Nile River, lies the most famous architectural wonder of the world -- the Great Pyramid at Gizeh. It is still the world's most MASSIVE building. For 3500 years it was also the world's TALLEST building. Only in this last generation has man built taller buildings than the Great Pyramid. Yet the Empire State Building in New York the HIGHEST building on earth today is only about 2/5 the volume of the Great Pyramid! And it is engraved on the American Dollar!

Job lived during the time of Joseph. He belonged to Ur of the Chaldees (as did Abraham, Joseph’s great granddad). Job was most likely a genius of his time. He was skilled in astronomy, geology, meteorology, cryogenics, electrophysics, botany, zoology, ichthyology; the list goes on.

Clarence Larkin believes it was Job that built the Great Pyramid. Here is his narration from “The Dispensational Truth”, his famous treatise:

Job was the greatest man in the East, or Arabia. Job 1:3. His age (nearly 250 years old) places him back before the days of Abraham (B.C. 2000), who lived to the age of 175 years, and locates him as living at the time when the Great Pyramid was built. And in the 38th chapter of Job, the Almighty speaks to Job as if he was the identical person who built the Great Pyramid, laying its foundations, and placing its "Capstone" in position, while the people shouted for joy. That Job had great meteorological and astronomical knowledge is clear from the way God spoke to him about snow (Job 38:22), rain (Job 38:25-28), ice (Job 38:29-30), the heavenly bodies (Job 38:31-32), the weather probabilities (Job 38:33-34), electricity (Job 38:35), and there can be no question but what God would impart to such a man as Job, who was so God-fearing and spiritual, that he was both a prince and a priest, all the Scriptural and prophetical knowledge that is embodied in the arrangement of the passageways and chambers of the Great Pyramid. It does not mean, however, that Job knew the actual denotation of the symbols and measurements used in the construction of the Great Pyramid any more than the Prophets understood their prophecies. 1Pe 1:10-12. The Almighty may have given to Job the plan of the Great Pyramid, as Moses was given the plan of the Tabernacle and its furnishings on Mount Sinai.

There is no question but what the people of Job's day were well versed in the mechanic arts. It was not long after the Flood, and the skill of the artisans of Noah's day, and of the Babel builders had not been lost. This is evident from the Temples and Palaces of Egypt that were built in those days. But the Great Pyramid was unlike any of them. It was a new kind of architecture, the first of its kind, and such as the world had never seen before. The plainness of its outlines, and the slope and smoothness of its sides, and the absence of all ornamentation, was a striking contrast to the Egyptian style of Architecture. Whence came it? It must have come from some source not Egyptian. Why? Because there was a purpose in its building. It was built to record mathematical, astronomical, and Scriptural knowledge, that should bear witness to the inspiration of the Scriptures in these last days. That accounts for its peculiar architectural shape, and the character of its interior construction. To that end it was scaled up that in the closing days of this Dispensation it might disclose its message to an unbelieving world.

Is it a prototype of the heavenly city New Jerusalem that God is building?

The Bible says that giants lived on this earth post the global deluge of Noah's time. (Giants were offspring of human mothers and spirit beings / Angelic fathers in human form). They were engaged in the building of this huge structure. We also can surmise that the Nazca lines of Peru, Stone men of Easter Islands and the Stonehenge in New Zealand has a sure connection to such giants.

The inhabitants of Canaan before the Israelites occupied the land were also giants. Canaanites were Thamizhar and were the descendants of Canaan, the grandson of Ham and the forefather of all colour-skinned and dark-skinned people (the Negroid race). They are found predominantly in India and Africa apart from the US.

Some of these giants lived even later, (during the 9th and 10th century AD) that were the reason for the building of various temples in the Ellora and Ajantha caves, the great temple in Thanjavur and the Sun temple in Odissa in India and the Ankor-wat temple in Cambodia.
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