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Was there sometime before time?

There is time. There was time. There was a time when there was no time. There will be a time when there will be no time!

As per the Scriptures, time began after our great Earth was brought into being and the Sun, moon and the stars were created. Days are nearly twenty-four hours because it takes so much time for the earth to rotate on its axis. Months exist because the moon, our own Earth's satellite, takes approximately so many days to come around our Earth once. A year is the time our Earth takes to come around the Sun once.

Time came into being when God created the sun, moon and the stars in the second heaven called space.
The Sun, moon and stars came into being on the fourth day of creation!

The third heaven, as it is understood today, where 'Heaven' is, the place where Jesus has gone, to prepare a place for His believers. The first heaven is our earth's atmosphere which was dark and void before God commanded light to shine on it.

After God winds up everything here on earth, which will happen soon, there will be no more time. It will be endless bliss for His believers. On the other hand, it will be endless separation from God for the unbelievers in the lake of fire.
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