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How did Islam become a major religion in India?

Muslims (Ottoman (Usman / Uttaman in Thamizh meaning pure-bred or firstlings – in relation to the Islamic Prophet)) Turks, Mohammed Ghori and Mohammed Ghazni and the like invaded the country multiple times, plundered its wealth and carried them away to Persia. Remember the Kohinoor diamond and the peacock throne that Nadir Shah carried away?

Later came Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb, Mughals from Persia and built their country-wide Islamic empire that spanned the length and breadth of the country. The huge Muslim population of India today is the result of this Islamic rule, the rulers converting the local population forcibly (as did the Islamic Prophet originally – by the edge of the sword) by imposing the Jizya tax on the non-Muslim majority. Many poor and downtrodden converted to Islam to escape the oppression by these rulers.
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