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Six Hundred Sixty Six

Updated: Jul 6, 2023

Are you looking for a Six Six Six (666) to come in future? Stop. Most around you might already have it on them. Do you have it on you? Read on…

The two beasts of Revelation thirteen

Beasts, according to Daniel, the Old Testament prophet, are kingdoms. The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. – Dan 7:23. And, as per the epistles of John, an Apostle and disciple of Jesus Christ, and a New Testament prophet, Antichrist is plural, not one but a significant population. Even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time – 1 Jn 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 Jn 1:7). So, it is not ‘an Antichrist’ but Antichrists. John also mentions in Revelation, a False Prophet, an innocent-looking hypocritical beast, another kingdom.


The world, especially, the Christian world is eagerly looking for an Antichrist. There are hundreds of films and thousands of books that tell us about this one person who is coming with an aim to conquer the world. Almost every such person is blindsided by the fact that Antichrists have already come and have subdued nearly the whole world. The media is here to only distract us from what is happening behind the scenes; there is an undercurrent of this Antichristian effect running over everything that we see, hear, or do.

Satan is behind the modern political Israel, a huge population of the Antichrists today. (Many of these claim their Jewishness through their mothers because, a purebred Jew is hard to find. So, they are not a nation as such. Only 41% of them are in Israel. Another 41% are in the USA. The rest are scattered across the globe in various names). Crypto-Jews, Jewish Aryans and the two billion Islamists in the world form the rest of the Antichrists. Most of them refuse to believe Christ's divinity or humanity or both. He is antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son. – 1 Jn 2:22. This is about His divinity and humanity. Every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. – 1 Jn 4:3. Many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. – 2 Jn 1:7. This again, is about the humanity of Jesus, the Son of God.

False Prophet

The USA, which fits in perfectly as the False Prophet, has been vouching for this political Israel ever since it’s inception and was the first to endorse it’s independence at the dawn of 14th May, 1948. Today, this USA forces everybody to bow to Israel – it’s military, technology and arm- twisting financial power. (The entire world’s money is in the hands of the Jews). It forces the world to take the mark of the beast on their foreheads or their right hand.

The seal

The seal is the evil spirit that occupies the mind and controls the actions of the receiver. (It is a false replica of the seal of the Holy Spirit believers have received in their hearts Who guides the will and in turn, governs action of the believer). All people of the world, irrespective of their political allegiance, economic state or social status must receive this seal today. If not, they cannot survive. The USA has set an ungodly paradigm for the people of the world to follow. Anybody who wants to shift from this evil mindset to follow truth and righteousness is a misfit. Such people cannot stay alive in this malevolent, toxic, and corrupt environment. One needs to allow the evil spirit to inhabit them voluntarily. They should show allegiance to this world power. They should take the number of this name.

The Six hundred Sixty Six

The number of the beast cannot be counted by everybody. It is not obvious. It is possible only by people who have spiritual understanding or insight. It is the number of man, as per this chapter. It is six hundred, sixty and six. Six hundred is hundred times six. Sixty is ten times six. And six.

No. Six hundred and Sixty-six is not the sum of the numeric equivalents of the name of the Pope in the Vatican; it is not the names of the Presidents of the USA or the PM of Israel; it is not in the RFID-like IC chip that will be implanted in the forehead or the wrist of the citizens of the world; it is not the SSN, the Aadhaar or another high-tech ID. It certainly is not in the Covid19 vaccine. Do not get carried away by news in the popular or social media.

The hexagram

The hexagram is in use by people of many religions. It is a six-cornered star. It has six smaller triangles built in. It also has a six-faced hexagon in the middle. It is also the Freemasons’ square and compass – totally Satanic. It is displayed in the great seal of the USA and in their one-dollar bill. It is the star of David of Israel.

Yantra / Shatkon

Thamizh is the first language of the world. God spoke in Thamizh with Adam. Noah spoke Thamizh. People who speak Thamizh are descendants of this Naavaai builder. This language has remained with them through Ham and his son Canaan. That is why they are colour or dark-skinned. They worshipped Nimrod / Marudhu. Thamizh people deified their ancestors. Marudhu is also called Murugan (handsome), Arumugan, Aarappan (Remphan and Harappa of Indus valley Civilization) or Shanmugam. This means six-faced. People believed that Murugan originated from the constellation Pleiades / Karthikai. It was originally called seven sisters. In due course, one of them became dim. Subsequently, this star was said to have born on earth as Tammuz (Tamizh) to the Queen of heaven Ishtar whose husband was Nimrod (Marduk / Marudhu). The worship of seven goddesses was advocated by this Karthikeyan. Worshippers of this Arumugam use this ‘yantra’. It is an indicator of the consummation of the male and the female that produces life. This ‘Om’ and ‘Hrim’ is also used in magic, witchcraft and occultism by Hindus. Nearly one and a half billion people around the world idolize and worship this constellation as deity.

Star of David

Egyptian civilization was one of the earliest civilizations of the world. It followed the Sumerian civilization. They had all features of the Thamizh people. The Sumerians and Egyptians worshipped this six-faced star. This is the star that the Israelites brought from Egypt. They worshipped this in the wilderness. It is called the star of David by Jews today. However, it has nothing to do with David. It is a misnomer. Star of Solomon might have been an appropriate name. He was drawn into occult by his wives. Nearly 24 million Jews take pride in associating themselves with this star.

Ying Yang

The Eastern countries – China, Japan and the like, predominantly Buddhist, have this in the name of Ying-Yang (ingu-angu in Tamil). This is the false form of the Lord’s prayer, “Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. Alchemists used it to symbolize the union of opposites, and it is considered by some to be the symbolic epitome of ‘as above, so below’. At least one and a half billion people of the eastern world identify themselves with this symbol.

The Chi, Xi, Stigma

The Greek letters chi, xi and stigma (now obsolete letter) are the six hundred, sixty and six in English. When these Greek letters are positioned vertically, they resemble the Arabic letters that denote the Islamic god. It is the first phrase that Muslims use to invoke their god at the beginning of every activity. Nearly two billion people of the world recite this in their prayers at least five times every day.


‘Christians’ of today are no better. They are the followers of the USA economically and commercially and the European religion spiritually. They are the ones mentioned at the beginning of this segment. They are totally inclined towards a comfortable life filled with worldly wealth, power, and fame. They have been hijacked by the Antichrists beast and the False Prophet and have been deceived to live trampled under their feet. There goes the rest of the population of the world!

Seven point nine billion with the mark on their foreheads (thought and mind) and their right hand (their active working organ that signs the pay register)! And, people are looking for a literal 666 to come! Ironic indeed!

So, what do I do?

If your loved ones, friends, or neighbors fall into one of the above categories, you need to be doubly careful with your dealings with them. Avoid bowing to their deities or eating food offered to their gods. Do not compromise on Biblical morals and never give in to pressure to endorse their lifestyle (yoga, self-defense arts/games, LGBTQIA+, human worship, alternative medicine – Ayurveda, reiki, acupuncture/acupressure, internet games, development of AI, etc.)

If you have already been one of those who have received this mark of the Antichrist, repent, and come to the Saviour for forgiveness of your sins. Believe that Christ Jesus has already taken upon Himself the punishment you deserve for your sins. Confess that Jesus is your Lord and turnaround in your life to begin anew by receiving the life of Christ. Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you so that you will not fulfil the lusts of your flesh. Start living the Christian life.

To know more, read the Thirteenth Chapter of my Book Present Tense, Future Perfect here: Chapter 13 (


1) Who are the two beasts mentioned in Revelation chapter thirteen according to this article?

2) What is the sole aim of the Antichrists?

3) Why is the USA being compared to the lamb of Revelation thirteen in this article?

4) Which is correct Six Six Six, Six hundred and Sixty-Six, Six hundred Sixty Six, or 666?

5) What does it mean when we say a person is receiving the mark of the beast (Antichrists) in ones forehead or right hand?

6) What is the six hundred sixty six with respect to the Indian sub-continent?

7) What is Chi, Xi, Stigma in Greek and in Arabic?

8) How have religious Christians (not believers) received the mark of the beast?

9) Can you tell me what is the Ying Yang of China?

10) What is the best way to deal with this attack of the Antichrists against God's people?

-Prakash Agathu aka Bright Augustus.

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