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Jesus is my Pastor!

Jesus is my Pastor. I am totally satisfied. He meets my every need – spiritual, emotional and physical – so that I can trust Him for everything.

I can rest assured that my good Shepherd will nourish me with enough fresh and healthy food. He takes me to places where there is perfect peace of mind.

My soul was lost but the great Shepherd redeemed me, healed my heart, transformed my life, and promoted me to a higher position than what I deserve. He provides me His righteousness and helps me live His life on earth exhibiting deeds of righteousness, speaking the truth and thinking with an uncorrupted mind. This is because I represent His name among the people of the world.

Even though I need to face difficult times that might seem like they are leading me to death or destruction, I will rest assured that the chief Shepherd is with me always. He helps me wade through a flood of problems everyday. I can face any evil with courage because He is the great I AM.

The Lord’s word and His Spirit are available for me every moment for protection as well as comfort. He provides me safety and security.

The Lord has defeated all my foes who had conspired against my soul. My chief enemies - sin, death, hell and Satan have all been conquered by the Victor who did this on my behalf when He died on the cross and was risen again the third day. I can celebrate this right in front of my enemies.

The Conqueror fills me with joy and hope of me conquering all these enemies today and every day in my life until the day when my last enemy death will be defeated by me. I will inherit a glorious body that will be incorruptible, undefiled and that which remains afresh always. This assurance fills my heart every day and I keep spreading this message of hope to people around me through my life and my words.

The grace of God will always be available to me through my Shepherd even without my asking for it. Likewise, all good things in life that the Lord wants me to possess and enjoy will automatically come to me because I have desired His will in my life by submitting to Him my will and all of mine. These come to me instead of me following them.

I will continue to abide in my Shepherd’s presence here and I am confident He will take me Home so that I can remain with Him for ever.

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