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God is not a God of any religion

Updated: Oct 5, 2022

The God the Bible speaks of, is different from the God of the religions

  1. God exists as a Spiritual Person

  2. God is Sovereign and reigns supreme over all of His creation

  3. God has one single Purpose for all His creation, for this world, and for every human being

  4. God has charted out a detailed Plan to accomplish His Purpose – He has no Plan B

  5. God has a will; He has revealed it in His word, the Bible

  6. God expects man to read His word to know His will

  7. God is all-powerful; He accomplishes everything according to His Plan

  8. God is Spirit; He cannot be seen by man’s physical eyes

  9. God does not have a wife nor does He give birth to children like mankind does

  10. God cannot be shaped, sculpted, or painted as an idol

  11. God does not exist in a pillar or a speck for people to worship anything as God

  12. God is displeased by man’s bowing down to anything made like man, animal, bird or reptile

  13. God disapproves worship of any sinful man, mother or parents

  14. God declares all mankind as sinful; they have lost the glory of God

  15. God is immortal and does not share His glory with mortals

  16. God has revealed Himself to mankind in the image of His Son Jesus Christ

  17. God dwelt among mankind in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ

  18. God demonstrated to mankind through Jesus the quality of life He expects from us

  19. God sanctifies mankind by forgiving the sins of all who come to Him with a repentant heart

  20. God has by Himself finished a work that brings peace between man and God and man and man

  21. God is the Creator of everything good

  22. God has an enemy; this Satan was originally with Him as His creation but became evil because of his pride

  23. God kicked Satan out of heaven; the devil fell and along with him fell a significant number of evil angels that rebelled against God

  24. God did not create darkness or evil; absence of light is darkness and corruption of good is evil

  25. God is pure and does not tolerate sin and evil

  26. God condemns sin and has declared death and eternal separation from Him as punishment for sin

  27. God puts an end to everything that violates or would violate His holiness

  28. God delivers mankind from the punishment of death that is caused by sins

  29. God set free mankind from the hold of sin and restores man's freewill

  30. God declares a man righteous when one comes to Him for salvation

  31. God can be present within man in the person of His Holy Spirit

  32. God does not dwell in temples made of human hands

  33. God determines what is good and evil for mankind and everything around him

  34. God provides strength continuously to shun evil and pursue righteousness

  35. God knows all and also knows the end of everyone and everything even from the beginning

  36. God alone is wise; He considers man’s worldly wisdom as folly

  37. God chooses by His foreknowledge, then calls, justifies, sanctifies and glorifies all His chosen ones

  38. God sees everything, even every heart of man

  39. God pervades all space and is ubiquitous unaffected by the environment or surroundings

  40. God is love; He has demonstrated His love in various ways and chiefly through His Son, Jesus Christ

  41. God is holy, is unique, is separate and different from His creation

  42. God's purity cannot be corrupted by man’s presence, touch or hold

  43. God is light; He does not require external light to reveal Himself

  44. God does not lie, does not deceive, or practice hypocrisy

  45. God is truth; nothing else is truth.

  46. God is life; He provides life, sustains life and so, He has the right to take away life too

  47. God provides eternal life in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ

  48. God is not playful and does nothing just for fun

  49. God does not just recommend a righteous path but leads man into this righteous path

  50. God does not give everything man asks from Him as He knows what is good for man

  51. God does not promise or give worldly riches that take man far away from Him

  52. God does not demand money or any kind of offering from man to make Him rich

  53. God does not recommend man to balance all evil works with self-righteous works or almsgiving

  54. God does not approve bigamy, polygamy, adultery, homosexuality, or sexual immorality

  55. God approves only a marriage between a man and a woman and declares marital union (sex after marriage) as undefiled

  56. God pronounces even a lustful eye as adultery and a hateful heart as murder

  57. God does not change His heart after He has determined to do something

  58. God does not regret His actions later but feels deeply when evil unfolds in front of Him

  59. God carries His children; nobody needs to carry Him from one place to another

  60. God cleanses man from all unrighteousness; He does not need to be cleaned

  61. God feeds mankind with all goodness; He does not need food from man

  62. God shines the sun and sends rain on both good and evil people

  63. God gives breath and life to all creatures

  64. God anoints man with heavenly riches; He needs no abhisheka with milk, ghee or rich stuff

  65. God treats and honors man and woman equally

  66. God has set a hierarchy in the family with man as its federal head and the wife as his helpmeet

  67. God commands children to honor their parents and obey them in everything in the Lord

  68. God advises man to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife after marriage

  69. God recommends man to store riches in heaven by his righteous deeds rather than on earth

  70. God understands every human language and hears prayers of everyone that approaches Him

  71. God hates the proud but provides grace to the humble

  72. God does not ask women having monthly periods to stay away from Him; He is present everywhere!

  73. God loves a sinner and invites him to repent and come back to Him

  74. God, embraces a sinner that comes to Him; as a Father, He receives him as His child

  75. God does not ask anybody to go on a pilgrimage to any holy place

  76. God does not expect man to do penance and hurt himself for remission of his sins

  77. God declared death as punishment for the sins man commits

  78. God declared that blood should be shed for the remission of sins because life is in the blood

  79. God does not accept the shedding of blood of animals or birds for remission of man’s sins

  80. God is not appeased by the crushing of lemons, gourds or coconuts or killing of bulls, goats or birds

  81. God offered and instituted animal sacrifice so that man will know how deadly sin is

  82. God expects man to believe and show faith in His promise of one eternal sacrifice of His Son

  83. God shed His own blood on the cross at Calvary for the remission of sin of the whole mankind

  84. God bore the punishment of death for all mankind on the cross in His son, the Man Christ Jesus

  85. God raised the Man Jesus from the grave to powerfully declare that He is the Son of God

  86. God did not command man to celebrate any festival to commemorate anything

  87. God does not demand a special dress code for His worshippers, be it white, saffron, maroon or black

  88. God instructs man and woman to dress modestly and not adorn oneself with jewelry or costly attire

  89. God commands man to keep one's body which is His temple, uncorrupted by evil and harmful habits

  90. God recommends man to cease living one’s life to start living God's life on earth

  91. God is not fooled by man’s attempts to bribe him with money, good acts, and philanthropy

  92. God does not show partiality to some at the cost of others suffering loss

  93. God does not show discrimination in terms of nationality, race, color, caste or language

  94. God is bringing many sons to glory as the culmination of His eternal Purpose

  95. God will ultimately destroy evil – the devil, his spiritual allies and evil doers in the lake of fire

  96. God is worthy of all blessing, riches, strength, wisdom, praise, worship, honor, glory, power, and authority

  97. God is great, awesome, incomparable, and He doesn’t have to compete with anybody

  98. God is a rewarder of those who put their faith and trust in Him

  99. God is full of compassion, gracious, longsuffering, slow to anger, and abundant in mercy and truth

  100. . God is zealous about His holiness and will never compromise on His character

  101. God can do everything that fits His character; nothing is impossible for God

  102. . God can perform supernatural activities because He created nature

  103. . God who spoke in sundry times in the past through His prophets ultimately has spoken through His Son

  104. . God knows our thoughts from afar off and the words that we speak before they are spoken

  105. . God does not sleep, swoon or slumber; He does not get tired or feel weak

  106. . God does not approve unrighteous and filthy deeds of even His saints, messengers, or prophets

  107. . God does not reward murderers and terrorists with heaven, wine and women

  108. . God does not approve of war, abuse and genocide of innocents, women, and children

  109. . God is coming in His Son to catch up or rapture His people for them to be with Him forever

  110. God is preparing a place for His people and preparing His people for that place now

  111. God wants every one of His believers to transform to the full maturity of His Son Jesus

  112. God is just in every one of His dealings with mankind; He keeps account of everything

  113. God is the Father to the fatherless and a great Companion to the widows; God does not disown them

  114. God forgives transgressions of people and remembers their sins no more

  115. God takes revenge of those who cause trouble, pain and persecution to His people

  116. God feeds and clothes all those who seek after His kingdom and its righteousness

  117. God is a just Judge and is angry with the wicked every day

  118. God’s wrath is coming upon the sons of disobedience

  119. God is a consuming fire; He is a jealous God, is furious, and avenges His enemies

  120. God will take vengeance on His adversaries

  121. God fights for His people to save them against their enemies

  122. God is refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble for His people

  123. God is faithful even when His people are unfaithful to Him

  124. God is not the God of the dead, but of the living

  125. God is not the author of confusion; He is God of peace

  126. God is well pleased when people do good and share

  127. God is concerned about people more than animals

  128. God does not demand hair, sweets, or other eatables as offerings; He wants the heart of man

  129. God does not blacklist any kind of food; everything should be received with thanksgiving

  130. God is to be greatly feared and must be held in reverence by all

This list will grow...

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