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Aliens, UFOs and ET (in simplified English)

Updated: Jul 21, 2023

Aliens, UFOs, extra-terrestrials, and invaders from Mars are everywhere in the news today. I read a news article about Aliens as recently as July 4th, 2023. They were reportedly helping Western governments develop spacecraft. Many UFO experts keep publishing photographs and reports of UFO sightings. Some also mention humans meeting with Aliens. Feature films have introduced aliens to billions of people. For example, Steven Spielberg's “Close Encounters of the third kind” (1977).

God has given the earth to human beings (Psalms 115:16). He made it inhabitable for us. He provides the right environment that supports life. It includes gravity, water in liquid form, the atmosphere, and the ecosystem. He gave us the land surface; we use it to cultivate crops and build our dwellings. We share our lives with our fellow beings here. Water bodies provide water, the right temperature, and fish to eat. The moon, outer space, and the bottom of the ocean are not for us. A ‘journey to the center of the earth’ is still fiction. A trip to our next nearest neighbor Mars is an impossibility!

Are aliens real?

Is there intelligent life comparable to or exceeding ours on this planet? Is it elsewhere in the universe? This has remained a troubling question for us for thousands of years. Scientists in search of this life have proposed theories, hypotheses, and assumptions. None of these have evidence or proof to support them. Yet, they keep fooling people with their bold statements. Simple people are looking for more and more of such thrilling news. Some even consider such men as super-intelligent.

But, is the Bible, the word of God silent on the subject? No. The Scriptures have a lot more to say on the subject than any book in the world. Unfortunately, we have ignored this only-reliable source of truth. We have succeeded in building stories according to our imaginations. And there is always a crowd that supports those who do not fear God. Others join in with little or no clue about what is happening.

Aliens in the Bible?

The Bible mentions aliens even in its first book Genesis. And aliens have been conspiring against mankind throughout our history of existence. There is a lot about them in its last book Revelation too; it also deals with future events. So, God intends that we should be aware of these aliens. They are evil. Their strategies are to enslave us. They have always failed in upsetting the purpose of God for mankind.

According to the Bible, aliens are spirit beings, created by God. But, they can take human form sometimes to communicate and cohabit with mankind. They can even produce abnormal but always corrupt offspring. Many such beings have performed super-human activities in the past. Aliens keep doing them even now!

God created everything, including the spirit beings. In the beginning, all were ‘sons of God’ because God created them. They were all one huge holy unit that worshipped God. They praised Him in unison when He laid the foundation of the earth. When the God of heaven created the earth, He made it His footstool.

Soon afterward, a third of these beings turned hostile. An angel named Lucifer, who wanted to usurp the throne of God fooled them. Lucifer ignored the fact that he is after all a creation. He had limited wisdom, power, and might. His Creator had given them to him. God is the only omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient One. None of His creations can outsmart Him.

The chief alien Lucifer

Lucifer was overtaken by his beauty, wisdom, and special privilege to stay close to God’s throne. He became puffed up, haughty, and proud of his position. He also envied God Who the angelic beings worshipped without ceasing. He abused his God-given free will to turn against his Creator. He traded with other spirit beings (promising them better prospects/worship from others?) and might have even arm-twisted some of them to reach his unholy ambition of receiving worship as a god. The self-deceived one deceived others around him!

God drove Lucifer – now called Satan or God’s adversary – down from His abode, heaven, to His footstool, the earth. Satan is also called D'evil, the Old Serpent, and Dragon. He swept down with his tail, a third of the spirit beings who allied with him to rebel against the holy God. Satan, with his perverts, fell into darkness, far from the light of God. These are the aliens of today.

These aliens occupied the earth’s atmosphere. Then God created the sky/firmament, the sun, the moon, other planets, stars, and galaxies. This He did on the fourth day of Creation as per Genesis Chapter One. From then on, they could move about in the first and second heavens. None of them, including their leader, can access the third heaven anymore.

Even after the fall, the Evil one did not come to his senses. He tried to keep the fallen ones together with him by continuous deception. He hid his evil intention to pursue his sinful desire to be like God. He said in his heart, “I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High”. -Isaiah 14:13, 14.

(There are the other angelic/ spirit beings who remain loyal to their Creator. They run at the command of God and keep worshipping Him. God sends them to the earth, time and again, to do His purpose and to wait on His children. These are not aliens in the negative sense but the Allies of God’s people).

The eternal purpose of God

The all-knowing God had factored in all these events even before He created anything at all. He would bring more sons to His glorious abode. All these would bow to Him with their heart, mind, soul, and strength. They will hold no grudge, or reservations, or expect benefits in return. But this time, it would be from among His supreme creation – mankind - who would bear His image and likeness.

Satan did not want God to favor mankind. The devil would not bear the elevation of mankind to ‘sons of God’, a position he lost and that, forever. He made the very first man fall victim to his deceptive vomit – they would become like God. (He had swallowed this lie first). Mankind would exercise their will to decide for themselves what is good or evil. But, he kept back the fact that they would always choose evil if they break away from God. Is not God goodness personified?

Satan's failed attempts to thwart the purpose of God

When men began to multiply on the face of the earth, daughters were born to them. The sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful. They took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. -Genesis 6:1, 2.

There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward. This happened when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. -Genesis 6:4.

We see the pyramids, ziggurats, and gopurams across the world. These are works of these giant architects, builders, and craftsmen. They built unexplainable mysterious structures spread on earth everywhere. Some super-intelligent individuals could even perform wondrous deeds. It looked as if they had more than one head to think and process information. Many idols worshipped today are replicas of these hulk-bodied forefathers (and mothers) and depict three to even ten heads and multiple hands (with surprisingly just two legs!).

The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth. Every intent of the thoughts of man's heart was only evil always. Genesis 6:5.

Alien invasion of human civilization

Satan and his alien lot have managed to fool a huge population of mankind. He promises riches, power, and fame in the world in return for their allegiance to them. Mankind stoops to any abysmal level to achieve this temporal glory. They compromise on their morals, righteous behavior, and lawful dealings with their fellowmen.

Aliens, as spirit beings, have possessed selective human beings throughout history. They have tried to bring to a standstill the purpose of God. But they have always failed miserably. The Son of God voluntarily came down to this earth as a perfect human being. Their leader even tried to upset God’s purpose by tempting Him. The first time, as mentioned in the Scriptures, it was direct. Other times afterward, it was by possessing men around Jesus, one at a time. It was Judas many times and it was Peter once. Yet, the devil failed again and again,

Alien's strategy unveiled

Fast forward.

A very significant set of people in the world are the seed of Satan. They are the Scientists. They take the side of the aliens to fool the unquestioning public with their lies. (It is interesting to note that Jesus called the devil the father of lies). There are a lot of authors, politicians, and religious gurus around us. The aliens have used them to trap a huge population in their worldwide web and under their (inter)net. The aliens want to steal, kill, and destroy humankind – our spirit, soul, and body.

The aliens keep enticing the people of the Earth with astronomical destinations. None of these would serve a human purpose. One or more of these spirits possess ordinary people that exhibit super-human abilities. (Hritik Roshan’s Krishh and Surya’s Bodhidharmar of Ezhaam Arivu fame are examples). We do not see thirty-foot-tall giants nowadays. But we witness five to six-foot-tall ordinary people exhibiting extraordinary skills. They are impossible for most of us. This has also given birth to many superheroes in films and web series. Young and old fans adore them. Even if they cannot do like one, many at least want to dress like one.😀.

Alien attacks today

Currently, heads of states, businesses, and financial institutions are the targets of aliens. Satan himself possesses people who are decision-makers that influence or impact global policies. They tend to hinder God’s purpose and put God’s people in pain, trouble, and persecution. As a believer, if you are not vigilant enough, an alien spirit might possess one or more in your family. They might bring about chaos, death, and destruction.

Humankind performs technological marvels enabled by this evil spirit world. Artificial Intelligence is one such effort by the enemies of God. They want to remove God from the picture and focus. They project humans as all-knowing, all-pervading, all-powerful gods.

The aliens have capitalized on the ignorance of the majority of inhabitants of the world. They have managed to keep them in the ‘dark’. So, people do not see the obvious that is unfolding very much before their eyes. The popular as well as social media fools them with a lot of bluff and dishonest stuff. Many think that aliens are far away from our civilization. They believe that they keep visiting us in a flying saucer. They do not know that these are spirit beings functioning close by. They are not in Area 51 in the US or the Bermuda Triangle as many suppose. They try to manipulate our minds and drive action. They are not grey. They are ‘black’, meaning, they belong to the dark world.

There are also a few among those that spread evil and sometimes confess facts. Some of these have dared to tell us that the universe is full of dark matter – 99% of it. And that is as far as we know.

But how are we to deal with these aliens? Can we deal with them at all? Or will the aliens conquer us and bring an end to human civilization?

How does God deal with these aliens?

God, in His perfect wisdom, has recorded in His word, how He is dealing with His enemy and his evil allies. He also says how He is going to bring an end to this long-drawn conflict. Here we go…

When man fell to the deception of Satan, God revealed His divine plan. He would redeem sinful mankind back to Himself. The Son of God would reveal God to man as His image-bearer. This promised Seed of the woman would bruise the head of the Serpent. The Serpent would bruise the Lamb of God at His heal. Jesus would lay down His life as the sin-bearer of the world. The Savior would die on the cross on behalf of the entire human race. Christ would be the Way for the sinner to return to God. The Lord would forgive their sins when they come believing.

God will overthrow Satan, the prince of this world, and his alien kingdom. God's children chosen from among the unbelieving earthlings would be the winners. God will cast Satan and his allies, into the lake of fire and brimstone in the end. With them will be the antichristian world, the false prophets, and all unbelievers.

How can humans deal with aliens?

Would you want to be on the winning side? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Come to Him with genuine repentance in your heart for the evil life you have lived so long. Plead with God to accept you as His child. Ask the Holy Spirit of God to fill you so that you can confront the evil aliens.

You do not wrestle against flesh and blood. You fight against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this age, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. -Ephesians 6:12. So, you need to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.

You must put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. -Ephesians 6:10-11. Take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand. Gird your waist with truth. Put on the breastplate of righteousness. Shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, take the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. -Ephesians 6:13-17. “Resist the devil and he will flee from you”,-James 4:7 says another encouraging promise of God.

Our citizenship is in heaven. -Philippians 3:20. We are sojourners here. You must look forward eagerly to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. You must also keep warning people of the fast-approaching danger of eternal doom. "Save with fear, pulling them out of the fire," says Jude 23. This is the best way to live our lives here on Earth. We must keep looking for that blessed hope. It is the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; -Titus 2:13. If we submit to God, the end-time flood of deception spewed out by Satan will not carry us away. Though it looks like ordinary water, it will cause great destruction. (Revelation 12:15). Thankfully, we can remain faithful to our Father in heaven, empowered by the Holy Spirit of God in us.

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