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Here are the Jonahs of God!



Scene 3

When the compassionate God sees people of the world repenting of their evil ways, God relents and saves them from destruction and death; He forgives their sins and gives them eternal life. However, Oh No has no concern for the people. He wants the perishing people go to a Godless eternity. It is this apathy that took Him away from the purpose of God in the first place. He has no love for his fellowmen. When God pities the repentant, Oh No is not pleased. On the other hand, he gets angry and starts questioning God. He complains that God has made him a victim. People would not believe Oh No anymore! Oh No keeps praying to God! Funny indeed.

//Prophets and evangelists of today defend themselves by stating that what they prophesied was true, but God has changed His mind and has withheld His action. Otherwise, people would not believe them and would stop following them (!) or unlike and unsubscribe from their Facebook or YouTube channel (!) (and would not contribute to his ‘ministry’ anymore. What will he tell the Bank Managers who have approved a humungous loan for his favourite ‘Prayer tower’ or ‘mega church building’ project? How will he pay the rent backlog that is due for the huge auditorium where his fans and ‘bakths’ gather?). Forget about God on whom they have thrown the blame; it does not matter what people think of a Jesus Who keeps changing His will now and again. (He said He is the same yesterday, today and for ever).//

Oh No is full of self-pity. He says he wants to die. Really? He wants the perishing people to die (even if they repent and turn to the living God). He wants to live – live a comfortable and grand life. Thankfully, the Lord is longsuffering with His servant. He still speaks. (Long time ago, He spoke to a Balaam directly many times and finally through a donkey – he was only worth that!). The Lord says it is not good for Oh No to remain angry. My dear boy, have some compassion! Oh No tries to settle down again with whatever he could grab and waits in anticipation of the wrath of God taking its toll on the repentant public.

//Stoney hearted ‘ministers of God’ are least bothered about the souls out there. They are more conscious of their own self and are focused on improving their lifestyle. They are waiting for ‘the return of their Lord’, singing praises and thanking their Lord for their Salvation (also mentioning that the sinners will go to hell, adding a ‘Praise the Lord’); all the while God is concerned about the plight of the sinful humanity that are in dire need of this invaluable Salvation. “Lord God, bless me, bless my family, bless my well-wishers and bless my followers and contributors (whoever they are and whatever sinful condition they are in!)”.//

The Lord wants to teach this self-centred Oh No a life’s lesson. He sends a small respite to him in the form of a temporary comfort. Oh No is exceedingly glad of this ‘supply’ and ‘blessing’ from the Lord. Forget the Lord that sent this relief. Enjoy the present, my soul! (Eat, drink and be merry). Soon, the Lord sends a small ‘worm’ to remove the temporary comfort that Oh No was pleased with. The situation turns worse with the weather becoming hostile. Immediately, Oh No starts swearing! Lord, why did you not allow me to die earlier? (Another hypocritical cry of the ‘man of God’!) The Lord Says, “Oh No, you are so very passionate about a thing that perishes – lives for a day and dies the next morning. Should not I be compassionate about millions that are perishing that are ignorant of the difference between heavenly blessings and earthly ‘life’; are they not going to a Godless eternity (hell) at a rapid pace?”

//The Lord reveals His purpose and His plan to His children through many everyday illustrations. Sadly, His people are unmindful of these continuous engagements the living God has with them. They are too busy in their own world entangling themselves in chains they are unable to free themselves from. Many are looking for worldly benefits from their heavenly Father.//

//All Oh Nos of today, raise your hands.//

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