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The Holy Spirit is God in us

A book written on the Holy Spirit inspired by Holy Spirit is something to ponder upon critically. Did not Jesus, the Son of God say, ”He shall not speak of Himself”? He would take of Jesus and show them to us. If so, has the Spirit given this content?

All scripture is given by the inspiration (the Spirit) of God! Yes, the sixty-six books of the Bibe in our hands are God-breathed. Nothing else are ‘inspired’, not the modern study Bible notes nor the commentaries. (It is folly that Bible readers consider even these sidenotes written by modern men, as infallible or flawless). Best sellers and books written by talented writers can’t even come near. If so, how ‘Spiritual’ is this book?

I’ve quoted from the Bible as much as possible as inspired about the Holy Spirit. Some have multiple verses. However, I have also stated my opinion about some unbiblical aspects of Christian faith that have been and are in vogue which are practised as scriptural. But, like Paul, I would humbly claim, “and I think also that I have the Spirit of God”.

I also wanted to bring to the fore the many characteristics and acts of the Holy Spirit that are disregarded by today’s preachers and believers; some are truly ignorant indeed while most others are occupied by the subtle sin called (spiritual) pride and are willingly ignorant. The result? We forfeit almost all the spiritual blessings that God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed us with in heavenly places in Christ.

My earnest desire is that you do not read this book as a textbook or a reference manual; let the Holy Spirit ignite the spirit in you to yearn for more from God and experience His fullness; this will enable you to not only be ‘baptized’ in the Holy Ghost, but you will also be empowered by Him to live for God on this earth as an effective witness for the Lord.

May the Holy Spirit guide you through this content. -Author.

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