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The Holy Spirit is God in us

Every believer needs the fullness of the Holy Spirit – not as the Christian world exhibits it today but as the Scriptures recommend it – a total control of the person. A Spirit-filled believer has offered the spirit, soul and body to God. Nothing belongs to him / her. The saint baptized in the Holy Ghost is taken over by Him and led every step in the spiritual journey; He influences the way one thinks, decides and perceives in the soul; He controls the senses and the organs of the body.

A continuous filling of the Holy Spirit will not only keep the believer in the Spirit for his / her own profit but also overflows for the benefit of the immediate family, the neighbourhood, the church and the world at large. Fresh cleansing and refilling are needed when we go astray, out of the will of God at times, to pursue our own desires ignoring the still small voice of God raising an alarm inside us. (“He that is washed needs not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean”). When we return to the Lord with a repentant heart, we can experience a restored relationship, renewed mind and a revived spirit.

With the Holy Spirit being our Helper, Teacher and Guide, we can rest assured that wherever He leads is the safest place to be in at any given moment. “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. With Him on the driver’s seat, He determines the pace of the journey, decides the stops, and steers the wheels of our lives.

“Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him”. We too must walk with God. Wherever He leads, we follow. And, when it is time for us to leave the earth, with the Spirit being the earnest of our inheritance towards the day of redemption, we will also be raptured to meet our Lord in the clouds. We will be transformed to be like our Lord so that we will see Him as He is.

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come”. Let him that hears say, “Come”. Will you be a part of the ‘Bride’? -Author

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