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Are tongues the only sign?

The Holy Spirit is God in us

Even though there are a lot more evidence for the baptism of the Holy Spirit that demonstrate His virtues, character and power in the believer (as we have seen in the preceding sections), Pentecostals and Charismatics of today are highly obsessed with the speaking of tongues which they say is the only evidence of the filling of the Holy Spirit. They quote events in Acts 2, 8, 10 and 19 as references to their claim (ignoring 1 Cor 13 and 14?). Sadly, people who speak in tongues show little or no more evidence than this; producing fruit of the spirit or the exercising of other gifts are rare (and totally absent) in many lives; some ‘tongues speakers’ even produce evil fruit (and in abundance!) (Matt 7:17, 18); no fountain can yield both salt water and fresh (Jam 3:10-12); others that are really filled with the Spirit bear much good fruit and display other gifts as evidence even though they do not speak in tongues.

The speaking in tongues is not the only evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit because this is not for everyone (1 Cor 12:30), should not be exercised without interpretation, should not be spoken by women (1 Cor 14:34); shockingly, this can be faked (as do the Roman Catholics, Charismatics and Pentecostals of today who speak gibberish (given by an evil spirit?), not a natural language (glossa) understandable by the hearers). Prophecies (post John’s Revelation), tongues and knowledge have ceased (1 Cor 13:8) already (Paul’s future is our past, present and future) with the Scripture made available to us in our hands.

During the first and early second century, believers did not have wide access to the word of God; they needed prophets, tongue speakers and interpreters. Apostles of the Lord have already laid down NT doctrines as the framework for the Church within which the super structure is being built, with Jesus as its sole sure foundation. So, we don’t need apostles anymore. Today, we need prophets who can preach from scripture, evangelists who share the gospel from scripture, teachers who can do exposition of scripture and pastors who can tend, feed and secure the flock in scripture.

Here are at least ten reasons why the ‘tongues speakers’ say ‘tongues’ is the only evidence for the baptism of the Holy Spirit:

1) A false sense of satisfaction: Speakers in tongues are convinced that they are filled with Holy Spirit; such an exercise that exists for a few seconds to a few minutes per session gives them a false satisfaction that they are indeed spiritual, and their lifestyle is approved by the Lord; they ‘believe’ that God overlooks all their ‘ungodly’ deeds that they keep doing rest of the time. They are trying to fool God while fooling themselves.

2) One-upmanship: They want to show that they are ‘spiritually’ superior to others that are around either in a church atmosphere or in the Christian society at large predominantly composed of the protestant mainline church believers. (There are non-Pentecostal, non-charismatic born-again believers that show evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit through their Spiritual fruit, not necessarily through one or more of the Spiritual gifts).

3) Proud show of spiritual maturity: They want to show that they are more mature than others that qualifies them for extra respect, obedience and submission from the fellow-believers.

4) Deception of the enemy: Satan wants to restrain the believer from seeking more from the Spirit by limiting the Lord’s power to just ‘speaking in tongues’ so that the believer continues to remain in spiritual poverty all his lifetime. Such people forfeit a treasure of blessings by settling for a gift that ceased long ago as a means of instruction for the church’s edification.

5) Shifted focus: Instead of the believer continuously deriving life from the ‘True Vine’ Jesus to produce more fruit of the Spirit by abiding in Him, the believer remains fruitless with this one sign giving one satisfaction of spiritual growth.

6) Instant external evidence: Speaking in tongues helps the person show (falsely) to others that change is taking place through this external manifestation. Internal transformation takes a backseat and most of the times is ignored or not desired. However, the Holy Spirit brings change to the believer internally (which will have its impact on the externals too, afterwards, like men having a neat haircut, refraining from gluttony, stop beautifying or building the body, wearing modest dressing).

7) Peer approval: Believers want to be heard, approved, and accepted by the church and its leaders so that their presence will be felt, they will be allowed to participate in communion and ministry, and offered a place on stage. So, they show evidence of being spiritual by ‘speaking in tongues’, the only quick method to seek recognition. God must approve us, not men. Paul says so.

8) Easy to fake: Speaking in tongues is the easiest one to fake among all other ‘gifts’; some are even ‘taught’ a few such ‘meaningless words and phrases’ (giving utterance!) which they are encouraged to repeat, after the ‘servant of god’ lays his hands on them to pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Is not God observing? Will He approve what He has condemned?

9) Ignorance of the word of God: People do not read the word of God that gives them the truth about the filling of the Holy Spirit. They just keep gulping the words of the preachers who show little or no evidence from the word of God for the ‘claims’, sometimes weird, that they present regarding the gift of speaking in tongues. Some call such ‘tongues’ as the language of the angels; others say that we will speak ‘in tongues’ with each other when we reach heaven and so, we must practise it right here; ‘the anointed’ threaten those who question such practise with hell for this ‘unforgivable sin’. Thy Word is truth; none else.

10) Women claiming equality with men: Women speaking in tongues are considered spirit filled and are allowed to share the pulpit / stage in the church. This is however against the order / hierarchy set by God who put woman under the authority of man even in New Testament times. The Church always submits to her bridegroom and Head; never the other way round. (And this should start from the family environment. The husband is the head, not the wife. And, the man should be the husband!).

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