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About the Author and the Book

The Holy Spirit is God in us

About the Author

Prakash Agathu (Brilliance inside) is a believer in Christ, God’s purpose, and His plan. He has taught the Bible to young and old largely at a local church in Chennai and elsewhere in India for decades. He has overseen Sunday school classes and youth meetings and takes pleasure in leading people to the Lord and building them up in the most holy faith based on the Bible.

A real time stage translator, a singer, and a musician, he has been helping the local church in worshipping God as a spiritual gathering.

As a software solution consultant and an enterprise trainer of Information Technology, he has travelled far and wide across the country to coach business professionals in trending technology. A post-graduate in Business Administration, he has had vast experience in teaching academics with clarity to students. He is a.k.a Bright Augustus. He has authored four books apart from this – (1) A Brief His-story of Time, (2) Present Tense‽ Future Perfect, (3) I saw, I came, I conquered, I AM coming and (4) The Elephant In Our Room.

About the Book

God is the Almighty One; God is Christ, the Word of God; God is the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God. He is indivisible (Advaith). The Word of God came down in the likeness of sinful flesh to dwell among people. We call Him Jesus. The Breath of God came down in the form of the Holy Spirit to dwell within people. This book deals with this ‘God in us’ who has chosen our body to be His temple.

Modern Christendom has erred, and believers keep failing in their genuine endeavor to live a witnessing life. They ignore the Spirit of God and totally rely on preachers who have ‘managed’ to keep the hearers under their control with their unscriptural doctrines about the Divine Author. The result – many weird manifestations of a ‘spirit’ these ‘men of god’ can manipulate.

The author has presented scripture-based content that will be an eyeopener for the seekers who are desperate to find the truth; this will guide them into a Spirit-filled life, the Son of God revealing His nature in them to the glory of the Father and the Spirit helping them ‘be’ His bold witnesses.

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