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I saw, I came, I conquered, I AM coming

A short (auto)biography of the Lord Jesus Christ

Chapter 6

Vidi - I saw

The Launch of Our Divine Plan
We set out to roll out Our purpose. God spoke light to shine on this earth. This got rid of the darkness as well as the agents of darkness. They vacated the earth and assembled in its atmosphere (air) along with their Prince of darkness of the air, Satan.

We created the firmament (sky) that became the second heaven to hold the celestial objects. This We put between the first heaven that is the earth’s atmosphere and the third heaven, Our dwelling place. The waters split above this expanse and under it – on the earth’s surface.

We set aside the waters under the sky to form the sea that exposed the dry landmass called the earth. We found it to be good. We commanded the earth to bring forth vegetation of all kinds – grass, seed-bearing herbs, and fruit-bearing trees. This was good too. We created the sun, moon, planets, and the stars and put them in their respective places so that they will set rolling what is called ‘time’ for the earth. Years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds came into being from then on. We then created the fish and other aquatic animals and birds and commanded them to multiply. We found them to be good.

By this time, it was the sixth day of creation. We created the terrestrial animals including the cattle that will live alongside Our supreme creation that was to come shortly.

These creations of Ours obey Us. They heed to Our voice and do Our will, though not out of love. You will see this throughout history.

We took dust (it contained organic matter) from the earth and formed the man. He was made in Our likeness and in Our image but with a watery body of flesh and bones. We blew into his nostrils to give him life. He became a living soul. We called this first man, ‘red earth’ - Adam. He is the ‘Aadhi Manu’ or ‘Aadmi’. We determined, as per Our plan, that it is not good for man to be alone. So, We took a rib from him to form the woman who would be man’s help meet or best fit with him. We called her, ‘the mother of all living’ - Eve. She is the ‘havaa’ or ‘Avvai’.

We blessed them and gave them dominion over all the creation and bid them to multiply and replenish the earth with life. They could even eat from the tree of life, i.e., they could choose to derive life from its source continually by depending on Us for their everyday sustenance. However, We gave them a freewill which they could exercise to love Us.

We reviewed all Our creation and found them to be very good. It was evening and morning all these six days.

The seventh (sapth) day was the day of rest - Sabbath. We wanted mankind to start their life with a day of rest and communion with Us.

As days followed, We spent prime time (the cool of the day) in Eden sharing Our mutual love; I cherished this pleasant relationship. I have always wanted to be with my ‘crown of creation’.

We know what is good for Our special creation, man. And We would continue to direct them in the good as long as they trust Us and rely on Us. By doing so, they would thrive with life. We also know what is evil that would corrupt them: only the tree of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil was out of bounds for them, i.e., they ought not to choose knowledge independent of Us. I warned them that the day they would eat of its fruit, they would die – lose their life in the spirit abruptly, and in their body in due course; the warm communion with Us would end.

Ignoring Our warning and disobeying Our word would result in them breaking away from Us. They will possess the knowledge of what is good and evil. However, their mind would be perverted. They will choose to do the opposite of good. They would pursue evil and shun righteousness. They will switch allegiance. They would align with Our adversary and become a slave to him right away.

The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil were symbolically put in the midst of the garden by Us. Because mankind bore Our image, We honoured mankind by letting them use their freewill to obey God. We wanted them to be driven by love rather than by compulsion. We did not want them to be puppets in Our hands.
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