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I saw, I came, I conquered, I AM coming

A short (auto)biography of the Lord Jesus Christ

Chapter 8

Vidi - I saw

The Details of Our Redemption Plan
Meanwhile, mankind would continue in sin, losing their own soul that they had sold to the enemy. As per Our plan (We had only one – no Plan B), We did not want to let go man in this depraved state as he would end up in a Godless eternity. We desired man to come back to Us. We loved him as always and wanted to bring him back. We wanted man to believe in the promise of the Saviour. So, in order that man would show that he believed in Our word, We demonstrated to him how to offer a sacrifice of an innocent lamb. By doing so, his sins would be covered; his nakedness would be covered by the skin of the lamb. This shedding of blood would continue until my arrival as the Lamb of God. This would not only show to him the gravity of his crime but also would signify his faith in the promise of the Saviour to come. Remember, sin and death were a consequence of unbelief in the word of God. On the other hand, Salvation and life would be the result of the faith in the Word of God.

I had promised man that in due course, the Word of God would be born of the Seed of the woman. I will execute the salvation plan of God on this earth. The Dragon would be utterly afraid of my arrival because, my entry would spell doom for his very own existence. The adversary would not want this to happen and would be on the pursuit of the Saviour. He would try his best to hinder my entry and thwart the purpose of God. He would keep watch over every male child born in this world as he would have no clue as to where and when this Child would be born on this earth. As time goes by and Our plan unfolds, he would narrow down his search to one nation I would choose among all mankind. I would choose them to show to the rest what it means to be called a people of God.

Adam and Eve conveyed the message and the promise of Our redemption plan to his offspring. Whether the parents themselves believed in this word is a different question. In the meantime, Satan had sown his seed in the heart of Cain dreading that he might be the promised Seed. Cain believed the devil. Cain refused to believe my promise. (Parents, beware. Your unbelief in God, disobedience to Our word and your ungodly lifestyle might be the reason your children do not believe in God or fear Him). I rejected Cain and his offering. Abel believed. However, Satan continued to possess Cain and murdered Abel.

Seth was Adam’s son. It was during his time that mankind started calling upon the name of God (or seeking Us). However, many changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator. Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.

Enoch, the seventh generation from Adam, walked with me for three hundred years and lived a righteous life. He disappeared from this ungodly earth one fine day. He was three hundred and sixty-five years old – one of the shortest lifespans during that time. However, before His disappearance, he did not fail to warn the inhabitants of this earth about the impending judgement that would come in the later times: I would judge the ungodly for their ungodly deeds they committed in an ungodly manner and their hard speeches which the ungodly sinners have spoken against me. Enoch believed God. I caught him up with me. The world was not worthy of him. So will it happen to many such believers on the last day. I will catch up my people who live a sanctified life separated from the world. They will not die physically. They will be transformed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. They would have defeated death, their final enemy.

It was by this time that my adversary had managed to fill the whole earth with unbelief. Capitalising on the darkening environment, some of the fallen angels left their original habitation and started mingling with the beautiful daughters of men, producing giants. (You hear about Nephilim. Don’t you? They did exist then and even later). The heart of every man was totally corrupted by the lie of the enemy. Wickedness of man was great in the earth; every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Though We knew this would eventually happen as sin engulfed the earth, We regretted making man because of the destruction that sin was unleashing on mankind. It was showing up in its various shameful and wicked forms everywhere. It pained Us a lot.

Noe, Enoch’s great grandson, was the only righteous man in his generation. He feared me and obeyed my word to build an ark. I instructed Noe to build the ark (naavaai) so that I would save him, his family, and animals from the global deluge that I will send to destroy the earth. Though rain or flood was unheard of at that time, he believed, feared, and obeyed. The water canopy that protected the earth’s atmosphere imploded, and the fountains of the deep erupted.

Noe and his family of eight, and a selective set of animals, birds and reptiles were preserved in an ark while everything else perished in the global flood that I sent to destroy the ungodly. What was salvation for the believing was destruction for the unbelieving lot; so will it be, on the last day. Believers who rely on my righteousness to live righteously in that last generation will be taken up to be with me. Others who indulge in sensual pleasures unmindful of their destruction will be left-behind and perish in the wrath that will be unleashed on them. It will be earthquake and fire this time, not water. (People of your time deny that a global flood occurred despite the evidence around them. Natural geographic structures like canyons, fold mountains, and hanging rocks you find everywhere across your earth speak loud of such a destruction. But sadly, people are willingly ignorant; they don’t want to believe).

I saved Noe’s family in order that life would continue on this earth. Evidence? Here you are!

Lifespan of man fell rapidly due to the drastic changes that happened to the atmosphere.

Shem, a son of Noe was in the believing line. He was the forefather of those who I knew would believe my word. They would become the Israelites and later the Jews, my chosen people. Abram would be called out from his generation.
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