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I saw, I came, I conquered, I AM coming

A short (auto)biography of the Lord Jesus Christ

Chapter 4

Vidi - I saw

Our Adversary Satan
Here is what happened in heaven shortly after I created the angels:

One of my creations turned hostile. He was an anointed cherub. He was the seal of perfection. He was Lucifer, the light bearer, as I had given him every precious stone as his covering. I endowed him with skilful musical ability in the day he was created. I had specially appointed him to cover and guard. He was perfect in his ways until inequity was found in him. He was a novice and was filled with pride because he was full of beauty and wisdom. Remember, I had given him his virtues in the first place. I also gave him a freewill to choose. However, he abused this freedom. He corrupted his wisdom by the reason of his brightness. He defiled his consecrated places by the multitude of his inequities.

My enemy wanted to usurp the throne of God. The adversary started gathering more angelic creations behind him. Satan started trading among the angelic realm promising them rulership in return for their turning hostile to God. Quid pro quo. Violence erupted in heaven because of the trading that the devil initiated. Merchandising, coaxing, and threatening resulted in one third of my angelic hosts switching loyalty. They were deceived by his promises of freedom from God’s rule, promotion from the status quo, and dominion over God’s creation. They fell for his vanity-filled words and chose to follow him.

When inequity was found in Satan, We cast him out of heaven. I had created the earth beside the heavens in the beginning. Sin resulted in the Serpent (the shining one) falling to this earth. He did not fall alone. This dragon swept down with his tail the unfaithful angelic beings that allied with him. They were one third the total number of angels. D’evil and all his dissatisfied, deceived, disillusioned, deluded, demonic, and diabolic lot fell to the earth’s atmosphere, the only other heaven then -the first heaven for you; the firmament (sky) became the second for you.

The rest of the angelic beings remain loyal to Us even now. They run at Our bidding. We make some of them flaming fire and some as benevolent spirits. They stand guard around God’s precious handiwork.
Earth has been the footstool of God from eternity past. All angels shouted for joy when I laid its foundation. However, the fallen angels brought chaos on this earth. The earth where they fell became devoid of light because of sin, resulting in darkness. It lost its original form. It became empty and desolate. A water canopy covered the earth. (I created H, C, O, Si and all elements at the same time. Don’t believe the evolution theory of your scientists – cosmic, chemical, biological beside others). The Spirit of God was hovering upon the face of the waters.

Look at the folly of Our enemy: Even after falling from heaven, the presence of God, he never repented, nor did he learn a lesson. He wanted to hold together his fallen lot. He wanted to keep their ‘spirits’ high. So, he said with temerity, “I will ascend into heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High”. What an uncouth ambition! He has been in the pursuit of this impossible dream even now, the moment you are reading this sentence. However, every one of his attempts to realise his fantasy has only turned to a nightmare for him.

Satan would come to the first woman and deceive her. Adam would follow suit and disobey God. The enemy would make mankind choose independence from God to steer their own course in life. It seemed he’d carry them far away to a point of no return. He thought so. But We had factored this in Our eternal plan. We know the end from the beginning.

We intended to use the same womenfolk as instruments to accomplish Our purpose. We chose a blessed woman Mary to bear me in her womb to bring me forth into the world. We choose a woman, another Mary, to announce my death to the world by her act of anointing me with oil. We chose a third Mary to announce my resurrection to my disciples and the world. There has always been enmity between Satan and the womankind! To tell you something more: the destiny of Our enemy is sealed. While he might derive cheap pleasure in throwing hurdles at Our plan, (Mary and Maari worship is one such strategy!) he has failed every time. He is headed for his eternal ‘doom’ – lake of fire.
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