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I saw, I came, I conquered, I AM coming

A short (auto)biography of the Lord Jesus Christ

Chapter 11

Vidi - I saw

My Other Encounters with Mankind
I met Hagar, Abraham’s wife and Sarah’s servant maid when she was fleeing from Sarah unable to bear the torture. I spoke to her about the son Ishmael she would bear and how he would be a father of a multitude. I saw her in her affliction and consoled her. I sent her back to Sarah and instructed her to submit to this mistress. The Ishmaelites would be among the antichrists of the last days as per Our plan.

I met Lot in Sodom. He was the only righteous man who was vexed with the filthy conduct of the wicked people around him. I had decided to deliver him and his family from the destruction that I would bring on the ungodly people of Sodom and Gomorrah. My angels literally pulled the family out of the burning city. At the time of my second coming, the whole world will be in the same depraved state that people of Sodom and Gomorrah were in. They will seek to quench physical appetites (LGBQI) and become more money minded; Consumerism will take over.

I met Job in the land of Ur, the native place of Abraham. Job was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. There was none like him on the earth. He was a king among his people and a priest unto his family. I had long chats with him around astronomy, geology, meteorology, cryogenics, electro physics, botany, zoology, ichthyology and a lot more. Even when he lost all his possessions, his children and ultimately, his own health, he did not sin with his lips and did not charge God foolishly. I blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning. He believed in my second coming to this earth and the bodily resurrection of mankind. I AM coming to raise my dead believers.

I met Balaam, the Moabite and the soothsayer of Balak his king. Balak had asked Balaam to curse my blessed people Israel, but I warned Balaam not to. However, he loved the wages of unrighteousness and determined to curse Israel. I put a word in his mouth so that what came out were blessings not only for Israel but for the whole mankind. He spoke about me as ‘the Star’ that shall come out of Jacob, and ‘a Sceptre’ that shall rise out of Israel to destroy all the ungodly. I AM the Just One.

I met Joshua, the captain of the army of Israel. I introduced myself to him as the Captain of the army of the Lord. He did not depart out of the tabernacle of God. Only he and Caleb, out of the twenty-four that went out to spy, believed in my word that the Israelites would possess Canaan as I was with them. This faith earned him the privilege to set foot on the promised land. He is a model to the later-day believers who would set out to possess the spiritual Canaan. He openly challenged his people, “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD”. I promised him, “I will be with you. I will not fail you nor forsake you”.

I met Gideon while he was threshing wheat by the winepress to hide from the Midianites, enemies of Israel. I addressed him as ‘a mighty man of valour’, to raise his confidence. I sent him with the assurance that I will be with him so that he will smite the Midianites as one man. He wanted proof of my word and I proved it not once, not twice but three times. He thought a huge number of people would be required to drive back the enemy. However, I showed him that when God is in control, they would not even have to fight. Baal should fight for himself – Jerubbaal – but Gideon and God’s people would be victors. They would win in an unconventional way. I, ‘Jehovah’ would bring ‘Shalom’ to My people. Ultimately, Satan and death will be vanquished by my Church.

I met Manoah but first his wife, a barren woman. I promised her a son who would deliver my people from the hands of the Philistines. Manoah asked me my name. I revealed that I am the ‘wonderful’ one. The couple realised that they have seen God. Samson was born to them. My people were delivered from the clutches of their enemy by this valiant young man. The dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life. I AM a wonder-working God for my people.

I met David when he was still a shepherd boy. He wrote, “The Lord is my Shepherd”. He was a man after my own heart because he understood what pleased me, although he missed the mark many times in his life. He repented of his ‘sins’ to restore Our relationship. He said, “For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness”. He became the greatest king of Israel ever. I have been his root and I AM his branch. I AM seated on his throne, ruling my people.

I met Solomon, the heir to the throne of David. He asked me for wisdom to rule my people. It pleased me and so, I gave him riches too additionally. He used his wisdom enough, but he abused his riches. He drifted away from me in his latter days and fell into ungodly ways because of his many wives. Though he was considered a great king, I am greater than him because the wisdom I brought to people is the fear of the Lord that will bring them Salvation. In fact, I am the ‘wisdom’ for my believers. People from the ends of the earth will come to me.

I am not mentioned anywhere in the book of Esther in my Scriptures. However, I have always been working out Our purpose – even in the absence of my mention. I delivered my people who were officially sentenced to death en masse by the decree of an earthly emperor. This time again, the enmity between the serpent and the woman, prophesied in Eden, came to the fore. Even though she was given a pagan name Esther, I used this Hadassah to fulfil my purpose by making her the queen. A holocaust was averted nearly five centuries before my birth on earth. Haman, who devised this massacre was the one who was seen hanging from the gallows that he had intended for my people. Satan, who was behind this evil plan failed again, lock, stock and barrel, in his attempt to stop me. Take heart my people; I AM still working in you, even if you do not see it evidently in your life. I will fulfil my purpose in you. You are Work In Progress (WIP) in my hand. Rest In Peace (RIP).

I can continue like this for long but, I want to cut short here.

I raised prophets at sundry times to speak to my people in diverse manners – Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micha, Nahum, Habakuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, to name a few. After Malachi, it seemed like a long gap when I was silent. However, I was watching everything happening on this ungodly world. Finally, I, the Son of God was sent to speak to mankind. I am the prime ‘apostle’. I had a special duty to perform. I came!
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