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I saw, I came, I conquered, I AM coming

A short (auto)biography of the Lord Jesus Christ

Chapter 12

Vini - I came

My Birth in Bethlehem
The promise at Eden Garden was due for fulfilment. No attempt of the enemy could styme Our eternal purpose. Though the Dragon had been waiting anxiously (but constantly in fear and panic) for the birth of the Man-child Who would bruise his head, to devour Him, Satan has failed always, and he will fail this time too. The Old Serpent would fall prostrate on his belly again and eat dust.

I was conceived of the Holy Spirit in the womb of a blessed woman named Mary of the tribe of Judah. This chosen vessel was betrothed to a God-fearing man named Joseph, who came in the line of David, also the tribe of Judah. I confined myself to this mortal’s womb even before the couple came together physically to beget a child. However, in legal terms, I would be Joseph’s son as he would adopt me as one. One of my angels, Gabriel, announced this to Mary and then to Joseph about the Saviour of the world to be born through her. I was the Seed of this woman, promised in the garden of Eden, for the salvation of mankind.

Mary’s relative Elizabeth detected this ‘supernatural immaculate conception’ when Mary visited her. She wished Mary Godspeed when the child in her own womb jumped with joy. Elizabeth would give birth to John in her old age. John was the Elijah who the scriptures spoke of as the one who would turn many to God and get ready an environment for my arrival. Zechariah, Elizabeth’s old husband would praise God on the birth of John but more for the Saviour who would be born shortly afterwards. I AM the dayspring, bringing a great light to this dark world.

It was full term for Mary. Meanwhile, Augustus Caesar had decreed that every citizen of his kingdom should get back to each one’s hometown for a census. Joseph took Mary with him to Bethlehem. Prophet Micah had foretold this would be my birthplace several centuries back. They were well close to their place when Mary went into labour. Joseph approached an inn but could manage to find just a manger for the night. I, as the Son of man with flesh, bones and blood, was born there. Mom put me in swaddling clothes to warm me up.

Rightly did Isaiah prophecy about me seven centuries before: “Unto us a Child is born; unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder”.

My angels appeared to a few shepherds in the countryside and announced my birth as good news to the whole world. Guided by a star, they visited us – me, mom and Joseph – at the inn and were overjoyed to see their Saviour. However, they must have been stunned. Guess why? The King of glory among the stink and noise of cattle around! However, they believed, worshipped me, and then set out to spread the gospel.

I was circumcised on the eighth day as per Jewish custom. The first time my blood was shed! It signified that I was fulfilling the demands of the law in my flesh – one of the reasons why I came here. Mom and Joseph could afford only a simple offering for the occasion. Old Simeon, a man of God and old Anna, a God-fearing widow, were glad to see me at the temple. They had been waiting for my arrival as the Saviour of mankind. Divine providence and perfect timing!

I was named Jesus as per the instruction Joseph received from the angel when he had a vision even before my birth. Jesus means ‘Saviour’. I will save my people from their sins. I am the ‘Immanuel’ of Isaiah’s prophecy which meant ‘God with us’. He spoke about me in detail, especially about my sufferings, my death and my resurrection too.
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