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I saw, I came, I conquered, I AM coming

A short (auto)biography of the Lord Jesus Christ

Chapter 2

Vini, vidi, vici, vinio

//Vidi, vini, vici, vinio. I saw, I came, I conquered, I am coming.

Not the earthly cry of triumph of a mortal Julius Caesar, the ‘ambitious’ Roman General. The claim perfectly fits the One who is the Victor Who conquered the world, sin, Satan, death and the grave; not for Himself; He did this exclusively for His people – for you and for me.

Jesus Christ, the Word of God, as the Son of God, has seen it all. He is the True Witness to everything that has happened, is happening and will happen in heaven, on earth, and elsewhere in the past, present, and future. He knows the end of everything even from the beginning.

God foresaw the plight of man in his wretched state deprived of all morality, loved him, and gave Himself in His Son for this fallen mankind. God came down in the likeness of sinful flesh as the Son of Man to take upon Himself the punishment that was the result of man’s unbelief, disobedience, and sin.

The Lord Jesus Christ conquered the world by living above its passions and pride while here on earth. As man, the Saviour overcame sin by living a sinless life on this earth continually submitting His will to God and doing His Father’s will enabled by the Spirit of God. God vanquished His enemy by bruising his head at the cross of Calvary. The Conqueror defeated death by His death on the cross and was indisputably proven the Son of God by His resurrection from the grave. The Deliverer descended into the abyss and usurped the keys of death and hell from the one who had the power over these. He then led a train of captives to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Majesty. He is the Forerunner for His people who will follow suit and replicate the victory until which time the King will reign on the throne in His Kingdom.

God in Jesus Christ is coming down one more time to take His believing people Home. Simultaneously, the Just One will judge the adversary for his temerity, Satan’s allies for their audacity and the evil one’s unrighteous mankind for their ungodliness and unbelief.//
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