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I saw, I came, I conquered, I AM coming

A short (auto)biography of the Lord Jesus Christ

Chapter 3

Vidi - I saw

I am that 'I AM'
I am that ‘I AM’

I AM. Always!

I was, I am, and I am the one to come. I am ‘aum’ / amen – ‘yes’.

I am Alpha and Omega. I am the beginning and the end.

I have been even before the foundation of the world; even before time, space and matter existed.

I am the Word of God. I have always existed alongside the Creator. God gave birth to me (begot me) as His word. Thus, I am the Son of God. None else was begotten by God in this manner. By virtue of this, I call God, my Father. I am the tangible, visible and physical expression of the heart, mind, and soul of the Supreme Being. I exhibit His wisdom, knowledge, and love. I execute His will. In fact, I am the very image of the invisible God for you to behold. I am the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person. You want to see God who is a spirit? See me. He who sees me sees God my Father. His Spirit rests upon me. I am in my Father, and He is in me. I and my Father are One.

God my Father wanted to accomplish His creation work through me. I created everything – visible and invisible to you. Thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers were created by me. All things created that are in heaven and that are in earth were created by me. Worlds were made by me. I created all when my Father uttered His word. I proceeded from Him to lead and execute the creation activity. I am the ‘yes’ or ‘amen’ of God. I precede every creature. I am before all things.

I want to tell you something here – everything was created for me! I am the heir of all things.

I have seen it all in the eternity past, even from the beginning. I am the true witness to everything that has ever happened, whether in heaven or on earth or elsewhere – in other worlds. The Holy Spirit inspired these in the Scriptures. You call it the Bible – a library of books. I used human agents to write them.

Earlier, I scripted my story in the heavens. They declare the glory of God and Our plan of redemption from the beginning to the end. Just look at the twelve constellations that We have decorated the heavens with. Each of it has a significant meaning to it. Man has failed to understand its value as time passed by. Sadly, he has also perverted the meaning of the messages they contain - about my arrival in time, my triumph over my enemy and my return to take home my people.

I spoke to Abram and said I am his shield. I am the LORD that brought him out of Ur of the Chaldees. I am the Almighty God. I appeared to Jacob and said, “I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac”; I promised him, “I am with you”; I assured him, “I am the God of Bethel”. I reiterated that I am the Almighty God.

After a long gap of four centuries, I appeared to Moses in a burning bush and revealed my name I AM to him. I said several times, “I am the Lord (Jehovah / YHWH יְהֹוָה‎ in Hebrew) your God”, to reassure him. “I am gracious”; “I am the Lord that heals you – Jehovah Rapha”; “I am the Lord that sanctifies you – Jehovah M’kaddesh”.

There are other names associated with my name I AM. I am YHWH Nissi – Banner of victory; YHWH Raah – Shepherd; YHWH Shamma – is there; YHWH Tzidkenu – our righteousness; YHWH Jireh – will provide; YHWH Shalom – peace; YHWH Saboath – of hosts. Throughout history I have been showing myself to many in various other names: Wonderful, Counsellor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

While I was on earth as man, I revealed my name to my hearers more than once. Most of them misunderstood what they heard. I said I AM the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; I AM the son of God; I AM the light of the world; I AM the bread of life; I AM the living bread; I AM the way, the truth and the life; I AM the resurrection; I AM the good shepherd; I AM the door of the sheep; I AM the true vine. Not an exhaustive list, though.

I have a lot more to tell you. But wait, let me tell you about my (Our) adversary…
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