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I saw, I came, I conquered, I AM coming

A Short (Auto)biography of the Lord Jesus Christ

Chapter 1
Vini, vidi, vici, vinio
Chapter 2
Vini, vidi, vici, vinio
Chapter 3
Vidi - I saw
I am that 'I AM'
Chapter 4
Vidi - I saw
Our Adversary Satan
Chapter 5
Vidi - I saw
Our Eternal Purpose
Chapter 6
Vidi - I saw
The Launch of Our Divine Plan
Chapter 7
Vidi - I saw
The Interruption by Our enemy
Chapter 8
Vidi - I saw
The Details of Our Redemption Plan
Chapter 9
Vidi - I saw
The Corruption of Mankind
Chapter 10
Vidi - I saw
The Calling out of the Believing
Chapter 11
Vidi - I saw
My Other Encounters with Mankind
Chapter 12
Vini - I came
My Birth in Bethlehem
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