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A Brief His-Story of Time

God, His-Story on Earth and His Book

Section I
Chapter 017
God is the Holy Spirit
Section I

God is the HOLY SPIRIT. God’s Spirit has always existed as God’s life. The Holy Spirit of God expresses God’s personality – His demeanor, His bearing, and His disposition. So, He hears, speaks, indwells, helps, comforts, teaches, reminds, convicts, and empowers the believer and intercedes for him; He can be grieved and quenched; He sets up the attitude, determines the mindset, and produces God’s “fruit” in the believer. Being a spirit, no gender can be attributed to Him; however, He is addressed in the masculine because God created man in His likeness and man is masculine! God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. – Gen 1:27.

Interestingly the Holy Spirit is the feminine “pneuma” in Greek. He is the “Sakthi” in Thamizh. Though femininity was built in man when he was created, God separated this femininity from him as the woman. Male and female created He them. – Gen 1:27. Incidentally, it is the man who still holds the XY chromosome pair, the feminine gene, that brings forth a girl child.

The eternal Word crossed over into time, space, and matter to dwell among His creation. God, in His Son, also entered into the sinful human race to dwell among His people, later in Time (not late but at a very determined time). God, in His Spirit, came into the hearts of men to dwell in every individual post the ascension and glorification of the Son of God.

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