இயேசு அரசாளுகிறார்
A Brief His-Story of Time
God, His-Story on Earth and His Book
Section I
Chapter 015
God is the Father
Section I
God is FATHER. He is the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Son of God. He is the Father of Lights. All spirit beings - angels, cherubs, seraphs - that He created were called the Sons of God. One such spirit-being forfeited his right to be called the son of god by rebelling against Him. he is Satan. One-third of the angels followed Satan and lost this privilege. God foreknew this rebellion and fall. He purposed to bring more sons to glory. He rolled out His plan. The Son of God executed the plan to the tee. You will read more about this in the forthcoming pages of ABHOT.
Adam is mentioned in the KJV of the English Bible as the son of God because God formed man of the ground of the dust of the ground and made him with His own hands. It is also because God made man in His own image and after His likeness and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life - His own breath. The first man Adam possessed the glory of God when he was created. That man fell into sin because of unbelief and disobedience is a sad story that followed.
Father is Pater in Greek and Thamizh. Thamizhar use this word to denote a forefather (great-grandfather). the 'er' is a suffix used as a mark of respect.
Jesus is the second Man and the last Adam. He was the only begotten Son of God. God gave birth to Christ when He expressed Himself by His word. That is why Jesus is called the 'Word of God'. That is why Jesus the man is 'the express image of God's person' and 'the brightness of the Father's glory'. The Father is greater than the man Christ Jesus because Jesus set aside His glory and emptied Himself all His divine attributes when He came into this world as the second Man. That is why He said, "My Father is greater than I" - Jn 14:28.
The Father has given all things into the hand of Jesus. He has been appointed the Heir to everything. The Father judges no man but has committed all judgment unto the Son.
Christ the Word, became Jesus in the flesh. He was sent by God, the Father. He was conceived in the womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit of God. God did a miracle in Mary's body resulting in immaculate conception - not by the will of the flesh nor by the involvement of a man. Jesus showed mankind the nature of God in a sinful human body - His character and His qualities. The Father raised Jesus from the dead on the third day. After Jesus ascended to heaven to His Father and is now in His bosom and is exercising the Father's authority (seated at His right hand).
No man knows the Father unless the Son reveals Him. - Matt 11:27. No man comes to the Father but by Jesus Christ because He is the Way.- Jn 14:8. No man can come to Jesus unless the Father draws the person to Christ. - Jn 6:44. None has seen the Father nor can see Him. He that has seen Jesus has seen the Father because Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in Jesus. Remember His words. " I and my Father are One". Even in Heaven, we will behold the Father in the face of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Son will submit the Kingdom to the Father at the culmination of everything God has purposed. There will be no need for God to show Himself in three personalities. God will be all in all.
He is also the Father of all believers who have been born again by His word. - Rom 4:11. After God the Father started adding more sons to His household, Jesus the 'only begotten' became the 'first-begotten'. - Heb 1: 6. The Lord Jesus Christ shared His sonship with his followers post His resurrection. He said, "I ascend unto my Father and your Father". - Jn 20:17. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named. - Eph 3:14,15. It is to Him that the Lord Jesus taught His disciples must pray to. "Our Father Who is in Heaven", is the beginning of the prayer. God the Father will give us when we ask Him in the name of His Son. Most importantly, the Father will give us His Holy Spirit to quench our thirst.
Believers know the Father, pray to the Father, thank the Father, bless the Father, call on the Father, and worship the Father - all in the name of the Lord Jesus.
While it is the Holy Spirit that convicts man of sin, the Father forgives sinners who come to Him repenting. But, the Son also has the authority to forgive sins on this earth. He also pleads with the Father and intercedes with Him in heaven on behalf of His people here on earth when they are tempted, fall into sin, but subsequently come repenting for it.
Believers are sanctified by the Father. He gives them the Holy Spirit when they ask Him. The name of the Father is sanctified/hallowed here on earth in the lives of these believers. This happens when His Kingdom is established in the hearts of the believers and His will is done on earth in their lives. The Father feeds His children with everyday nourishment as they keep depending on Him continually. He forgives their sins when they come to Him repenting. He delivers them from their adversary as they keep seeking the throne of grace for help in time of need. As they move forward, they render to Him the glory that is solely due to Him.
All believers are born of God because His seed / His word is in them. Again, they were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. - Jn 1:13. Believers are His children who are called to show forth God's character and His qualities - at least in a small way in their immediate neighborhood.
Jesus is also the first begotten / firstborn from the dead. - Rev 1:5. The assembly of such believers is called the 'church of the firstborn'. Believers who sleep in Christ will be raised to life on the last day, at His coming. Then, they will be the 'nextborns' from the dead.
He that denies the Father and the Son is the antichrist. - 1 Jn 2:22. And, there are already many antichrists in this world. (Don't wait for one Antichrist to come in the future!)