இயேசு அரசாளுகிறார்
A Brief His-Story of Time
His-story and Space
Section I
Chapter 011
The Sun
Section I
The sun is the center of our system around which all planets, their moons, and everything in it revolve. But it is still a speck in the Milky Way galaxy which possibly contains millions and millions of such Suns.
Indian astrology was built on the geo-centric theory that assumes all planets and the sun go around the Earth. Unfortunately, this concept is still held by the proponents of this faith that all the then known (and the invisible or unknown) planets, the sun, and the moon have an influence on every individual born on this earth and hence the origin of the horoscope – Saathagam in Thamizh, meaning advantage or favourability.
Sun is the Gnayiru or Sooriyan in Thamizh (Surya in Sanskrit). Man has worshipped this Sun under various names as he believed that it was the source of all life and the life-giver. All vegetation depends on the Sun (or does it? God created vegetation on the third day before the sun) and all life depends on vegetation. ‘Sooriya namaskar’ is still practiced by a large population and forms an integral part of Yoga of the Eastern Hemisphere that has spread rapidly everywhere around the globe in the last few decades.
The sun, like the moon, was created by God on the fourth day and for the same reason – to give light during the day, and to be a sign for seasons, days, and years to the earth. God set this sun, itself a star, close to our earth, probably because God wanted us to know what the unapproachable stars are like. The sun would let men know of the season for sowing and reaping crops and other annual activities round the year. It is possible that hours and minutes and a literal twenty-four-hour day came into being (from the fifth day?) post this installation of the sun and the moon as they were created for the reckoning of days and years. (the length of a day (and night) could have been different prior to this fifth day).
In them (heavens) hath He (God) set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoicing as a strong man to run a race. His (the sun’s) going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. – Ps 19:4-6. The sun also has an orbit to circle around – a fact that astronomers have discovered only recently.
The sun seemingly dwells in its houses (tabernacle /chamber), twelve in all, as the earth goes around it once a year. All these twelve abodes are the various constellations set in the Zodiac. According to religious Indians, these sun signs are assumed to influence the life of every individual, and people’s horoscopes are drawn with these sun signs as the central influencing factor.
‘Sur’ of ‘Surya’ has a connection to the ‘secretion’ of the DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) that relates to ‘sublime consciousness’ and a ‘transcendental state of mind’ that aids in connecting with the evil spirit world. (Remember Sura paanam of the Aryan Jews?) The early Thamizh Sitthars could achieve this through deep meditation (kundalini yoga). (Read about this elsewhere in ABHOT). Connecting with the spirits raised the Sitthars to the status of gods. Easwaran, Murugan, Vishnu, Indiran, and Ravanan are mentionable Sitthars. (Sitthars could control their sittham / will or mind).
Surya was the prominent of the gods of the Jewish Aryans who entered Bharatha as nature worshippers – they left behind their Creator God YHWH. They started worshipping the idols of the pagans, committing spiritual whoredom. This sun was worshipped by them – Suryanamaskaaram,- Eze 8:16 - because they thought and taught the sun was the source of life.
As Surs (ancestral Sitthars) were worshipped by the Thamizhar, the high caste Crypto-Jews (Highers) usurped this title ‘Sur’, and termed the original inhabitants of this land as Asurs (Asurar). (Sur-esh is god of the heavenlies / angels). Then these pseudo Surs made the Indians believe that they are entitled to be called Suryavamsam or generation of the Sun. This is similar to what the Pharaohs (Sanskrit - Prabhus) of Egypt (later Guptas from Japheth, the son of Noah) claimed themselves to be – descendants of their sun God Ra (Ravi or Rabi /Jewish Rabbi). The dark-skinned Thamizhar who inhabited the land on my side of the Indus River came to be called asuras – meaning ‘not Surs’ or ‘Anti-Surs’. The Crypto-Jews deprecated and classified the Thamizh king Ravanan, his brother Kumbakarnan, and his son Gatotgajan as asuras though these were ordinary human beings who were more valiant, stronger, and wiser (ten-headed?) than the ‘invaders’. The destruction of one such pseudo ‘Sur’ by the Thamizh King Murugan / Marudu (Marduk / Nimrod – read about this in detail elsewhere in this book ABHOT) is celebrated worldwide as Soorasamharam by the Thamizhar even today.
Jesus is spoken of as ‘the dayspring’ or Sun (Arunodhayam in Thamizh) in the Bible. Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the Dayspring from on high hath visited us to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. – Luke 1:78. He is also called the Sun of righteousness who will arise with healing in His wings. – (Mal 4:2). Only He can heal the world of its vices – corruption, injustice, and unrighteousness – and He has been instilling virtue in the citizens of His Kingdom ever since He established it here on earth two millennia ago which will continue incessantly, even beyond Time.
The sun had a beginning; it will also have an end as per God’s plan. The Lord foretold its end – it will cease to give its light on the last day (Matt 24:29) – but this would be much sooner than what the scientists claim would be the last day for the sun when it would become a supernova and a blackhole. This might be the most significant ‘sign’ that the Sun (along with the moon) is intended to show – the time of the Son of God’s second advent as per the Lord’s discourse to His disciples in Matt 24 about end-times and the time of His coming.