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A Brief His-Story of Time

His-story and Space

Section I
Chapter 010
Section I

Asteroids (Captain Haddock’s misguided missiles?) might have hit the earth during the great flood of Noah’s time resulting in the wiping out of life on Earth, including the dinosaurs. They are threatening the earth again today; one of them might hit us sooner than later to bring an end to our earth as per the scientists.

Do we know that there is an object tending to fall into Earth's orbit but is twenty-seven million miles away from us as of 25th Sep 2020? Astronomers who can detect water droplets on Moon and Mars and other minute objects in planets and other galaxies are unable to tell whether this is an asteroid or debris from one of the rockets of the nineteen sixties. Ironic?

Even with today's sophisticated instruments, High Power Computing (HPC) required for processing Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning available, scientists are candid that they can't detect every asteroid that threatens our planet. One or more might invade the earth and destroy it anytime.

Interestingly, this is prophesied in the Scriptures and in the plural – Matt 24:29; Mark 13:25; Rev 6:13. (“Stars” might mean “asteroids” due to the lack of such a term in the Greek of Jesus’ time).

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