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A Brief His-Story of Time

His-story and Space

Section I
Chapter 007
Section I

Time is closely related to space, the two together merging into spacetime in Einstein's special relativity and general relativity.

Wikipedia gives a very simple definition of outer space: it is ‘the expanse that exists beyond the Earth and between celestial bodies’.

Nature abhors a vacuum! (as per Aristotle’s horror vacui).

The wise men of the world agree together and consent to the fact that the deeper they dig into the universe, the more wonderful it gets. The harmony and beauty that outer space displays are inexplicable. Astronomers say they have not even scratched the surface. There is a lot more – and really a lot more – out there to be discovered, to be comprehended and to be understood – which man is incapable of.

According to scientists, this universe is composed of 85% dark matter!

The Scriptures say that this darkness entered 33.33% of angels shortly after their creation. The fall of these angels resulted in 100% darkness on the earth until God said, “Let there be light”!

Scientists think that this dark matter is ubiquitous and has had a strong influence on the structure and evolution of the Universe. According to their guess, dark matter does not appear to interact with observable electromagnetic radiation such as light. It is thus invisible (or ‘dark’) to the entire electromagnetic spectrum, making it extremely difficult to detect using available astronomical equipment. So, none has ever seen this dark matter! Scientists believe!

Scientists are still conducting many experiments to detect and study dark matter particles, but none has yielded +ve results. Scientists hope!

Summary: The wise men of this world still think, guess, believe, and hope!

Scientists have faith in their hypotheses and hope to find support for their unreliable and unproven theories and their side of the argument! understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. – 1 Tim 1:7. But, the very same people would never give ear to the other side, yet ridicule those who have an alternate belief system and hope!

Inference: Scientists know only a paltry 15% - that figure is still questionable; it might be less – and 15% is less than half the pass mark by Indian standards in education. Beware the scientist!

Neutrinos is another matter (not matter!). They form the Cosmic neutrino background – CνB. It does not make sense to ordinary people! Nor to the Scientists! These are notoriously difficult to detect and might not be directly observed or detected and there is no strong direct evidence that they exist at all! “Confirmation of the existence of these relic neutrinos may only be possible by directly detecting them using experiments on Earth. This will be difficult, as the neutrinos which make up the CνB are non-relativistic, in addition to interacting only weakly with normal matter, and so any effect they have in a detector will be hard to identify” says Wikipedia.

Can Neutrinos be harmful to humans? Department of Physics, University of Illinois says no. Of all the elementary particles that we know of, neutrinos are the least harmful. Millions of neutrinos coming from nuclear reactions in the Sun pass through our bodies every day without ill effects. Their interaction with human tissue is next to zero. But scientific agencies are spending an estimated one thousand five hundred crore rupees on an underground experiment at Ambarappar hills, Theni, Tamil Nadu, India; we know not why nor who will profit from it. Apprehensions are not about the neutrinos themselves but about the mega equipment, including the world’s largest magnet weighing fifty thousand tonnes – four times larger than the one in CERN, Switzerland, (CERN has a diabolical connection with eastern mythology, as evident from the Indian icons displayed at the entrance of this lab) and the environmental damage it could cause because of the underground digging that could affect the wild animals, birds, and human habitation close-by. And radiation? Nobody knows.

“By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.” – Ps 33:6.

“All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made” – Jn 1:3. God created this outer Space (second heaven) on the fourth day of creation.

Universe. Uni-verse. One word. What an apt name! God created everything by speaking His word. Strikingly, God made man and the woman with His own hands.

The universe poses so many unanswerable questions to the unbelieving scientists that they propose more universes than one – a multiverse, a hypothetical space or realm consisting of many universes, of which our own universe is only one. They believe this could open paths further to many of the dead-ends they find themselves in or help tie all loose ends that our universe presents. One Pandora’s box containing more Pandora’s boxes with as many knotty (naughty!) problems each!

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