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A Brief His-Story of Time


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Chapter 004
The Introduction to the book ABHOT
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No Prejudice!

He that answers a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. – Pro 18:13.

I was taught Indian history as well as world history while in school. Little did I doubt the trustworthiness of the information that is contained in the history books and my teachers believed all that they taught me. Only late in my life did I ask this question: Who wrote history? (I was inspired by an ad that read, “Question every answer!”). History is not easily verifiable unless we have manuscripts, original writings in palm leaves, papyrus or parchments, inscriptions, cave paintings, and material from archaeological discoveries to support the historians’ views. These have been few and far between until the last century. With the advent of Web 3.0, the internet has thrown open a huge arena for research where information on a certain topic of interest can be exchanged between individuals and groups located across the globe. But this has also brought in, its own drawbacks – not all information that is available on the Web is genuine or worth including in our search for truth.

It is the same case with Science. But, at least the consistency, dependability, and trustworthiness of scientific information can be verified by repetition of experiments even today. It is worth noting here that anything that is not verifiable through repeatable experiments is not science – it is only faith, just like the faith of religions.

How does one segregate the information and label one as reliable while discarding the erratic? One needs an absolute that must be considered the whole truth so that it can be used as a rule to compare everything else. I have taken the Scriptures as my foundational document to determine the dependability of any information flooding the internet or trickling into a corner of it. Thy word is truth – John 17:17. Thy word is true from the beginning. – Ps 119:160. Jesus says “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. And He is the “Truth” (John 14:8), the Supreme standard against Who I tend to weigh everything else. I make this statement not in arrogance but because He said it. However, I believe you will be convinced of it yourself once you get to know Him through the pages of the Scriptures. So, Read on.

There is a concerted attempt by a huge number of historians and scientists to suppress the truth by their unrighteousness – Rom 1:18 (ESV 2011). They exchanged the truth about God for a lie. - Rom 1:25 (KJV). When the truth emerges contradicting a long-held lie, today’s wisemen rise together to discredit it and tread it down with their overwhelming unified voice so that the truth remains veiled from the eyes of the innocent public.

Very few historians, scientists, and writers, despite the strong opposition from the deceiving lot as well as the deluded majority, dare to speak up but unfortunately end up ridiculed, mocked, or even murdered. However, it is impossible to silence the truth which will raise its banner sooner than later. Though I am neither such a historian nor a scientist, I consider myself to be one among such daring minority that cannot tolerate lies being audaciously propagated and falsehood forcefully implanted to accommodate the power-hungry in society who want everybody else to bow to them.

If I am labeled ‘intolerant’, I would be glad – my Lord was intolerant too. But He showed His intolerance not towards sinners; He exercised it towards the religious, the proud, the arrogant, the hypocrites, and those who had a form of godliness but were denying the power thereof. My God cannot tolerate sin! Neither can He tolerate those who corroborate sin!

The Scriptures are always the only source of truth and final authority, not only about the origin of time, space, matter, and temporal life but also about what is predestined for these perishables. The Bible is the only book that has answers to life’s critical questions – Where do we come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? If God is true, why is there so much evil in the world? After reading it for so long, I conclude that it has answers to not only these but also solutions for every question that a seeking heart is pestered with. I agree with former US President Ronald Reagan: “Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face”.

I am a believer in the God Who is love personified, and I base this book on this faith in the One Supreme Being who is not only the reason for the existence of all but is also the One Who sustains everything by His power and has the right to demand love and obedience from His creation.

This book talks about one eternal Purpose that God has and about the one Plan that He has drawn to bring to fruition this Purpose. It talks about how the eternal God stepped into Time and is executing His plan as He has determined despite the hurdles that His adversary Satan tries to throw in to thwart His purpose and derail His plan. It is His-story – the story of how The Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ is accomplishing this Plan towards the culmination of all things – by Whom are all things, through Whom are all things, and for Whom are all things.

In this wonderful journey of Time with me, you will find some historical incidents cited that have happened in His-story and are authenticated by God’s word; some long-held scientific beliefs are refuted – Scientists might want to call them ‘theory’ and ‘hypothesis’, certainly not established ‘laws’ or ‘theorems’; some linguistic and etymological aspects receive credibility; some religious faiths are viewed from a different angle; some current affairs are investigated in a new light. I believe that the reader would also appreciate my inclusion of future events that are sure to take place according to God’s plan – all based on the Scriptures. Especially, Revelation Chapter Twelve and Chapter Twenty form the Synopsis of His-story.

History is His-story. And, His-story includes everyone, the past, present, and future. His-story includes you. Have you found your place in His-story? These pages will help one do so.

I have used KJV, ESV2011, and the Tamil Bible for Scripture references.

Are you ready for surprises and shocks?

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