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A Brief His-Story of Time


Section 0
Chapter 003
The Preface to the Book ABHOT
Section 0

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are. – 1 Cor 1:27, 28.

I am a fool, a weakling, a despised base thing (the despicable me!), and is not (naught) to venture into this treatise. But I thank God, I am also a ‘chosen one’ by Him; I bring to light some facts that have been suppressed by man’s wisdom, subdued by man’s might, shadowed by man’s tradition, and shrouded by man’s superstition.

The entire environment I have been living in, kept me blind for long until the Lord started healing my eyes gradually to see the truth in the light of His word. I want to draw my own children to this light through this small effort. I want to bring my loved ones to the Light of this world through these pages.

This book is solely intended for my family, my relatives, and my loved ones. But if this lands in your hands, whether you are a seeker, a believer, or a skeptic, I pray that you would find the truth and meaning to your life, and your faith in God and His word might grow. Only God can transform lives in the light of His purpose and plan.

A word about the choice of the title for this book: If, arguably the greatest scientist of the last century who refused to believe in God the Creator of time, space, matter, and life, could dare to write ‘A Brief History Of Time’, why shouldn’t I, a believer in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, venture to write His-story? He is the reason for the existence of time, space, and everything else! Moreover, His-story contained in the pages of this book is definitely brief; the apostle who leaned on the bosom of the Lord says, “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written” – John 21:25. The reason? His story spans beyond Time – from eternity to eternity. I have presented Bible-based answers to the ‘Big Questions’ posed by the same ‘wise man’.

There is no offense intended against any individual, community, caste, religion, or nation in the content. I am an Indian, my first language is Thamizh, I was born in Tamil Nadu and have married a Jewish Aryan. (My father’s side requires no mention; it is matriarchal and matrilineal in nature; We Nairs have been struggling in vain for eons to establish an identity on par with the Jewish Aryans). How I wish my people are among the chosen!

I believed in the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pleaded with Him to accept me when I was fifteen – a decision I have never regretted ever since. He has forgiven my sins (and still does!) and has given me a new life in Him. God has embraced me and has adopted me as His son, filled me with His Spirit, and has been leading me in His Way by His word.

My country’s constitution provides me the right to freedom of religion:
25. (1) Subject to public order, morality, and health and to the other provisions of this Part, all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion.

I have made all effort to relate as much of the foregoing material to the word of God. I certainly bring in my own opinions and observations (and I believe every bit of it) in defiance of long-held beliefs and practices. No, not because of my temerity, but I have tried to base my views on the Scriptures (both the New Testament and the Old Testament of the Bible); I have included references in as many places as possible. “Faith is not aroused by tentative opinion but by confident declaration” –David Pawson.

My arguments are founded on the Scriptures; I leave it to your discretion to judge their merits and make your own conclusion. I copy from Scientist and believer James M Tour’s personal statement which resonates with my sentiments. “If you disagree with me on any of the topics here, that is perfectly fine. You too are free to believe as you like, and in that, I wish you well. I have no desire to spend my time addressing others’ conflicting arguments, so I will avoid confrontations and further defenses. If you are so inclined to contest these points, I invite you to post your personal statement on your own website” or publish your own critical analysis in a book.

Section one deals with His-story before time until the Son of God took the form of sinful flesh in time to dwell among men. Section two is His-story dividing history. He was born on this earth and He lived an exemplary life demonstrating to mankind what God intended man to be like. It also contains details on how Christ ‘finished’ His part of God’s purpose while on earth with His triumphant cry on the cross, “It is finished”. The third section deals with His-story that is unfolding now before our very eyes till the final triumphant cry by His chosen ones, “O death where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” is heard. The final section is where the culmination of the plan of God and the accomplishment of God’s purpose is detailed. This is also when the final declaration is made – “It is done”; It would be when the great ‘winding-up’ happens and Satan meets his end; it is also when God brings many sons to glory – gathering them in His Son.

“The contents of this book may be over your head but not out of your reach”. –Rice Broocks, (God’s Not Dead).

I thank God from the bottom of my heart Who judged me faithful, appointing me to His service. I express my hearty thanks to my mentors in the Christian faith who provoked me to think radically from the traditionally held views of the Bible. My special thanks to my wife and my children for the great love they show to me – they are the very reason for this book.

I would rather be wrong in preparing my loved ones for the inevitable danger and the impending tribulation than taking sides with the spiritually deluded, not fore-warning them of these “never been and never will be” times of trouble resulting in their being taken unawares by the fast-approaching final assault by the enemy of our souls.

I pray that this book becomes an eye-opener to the truth in the Bible.

Only Jesus the Truth triumphs. Sathyameva jayathey. Vaaimaiye vellum.

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