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A Brief His-Story of Time


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Chapter 002
Questions dealt-with in the book A Brief His-Story Of Time
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It is recommended that the answers to the questions here are read in the context of this whole book.


1. Was there some time before time? Pg. 30
2. Are Thamizhar the original people of the world? Pg. 96
3. Is Thamizh the first language? Pg. 96 (and elsewhere)
4. Is Nimrod the Thamizh god Murugan? Pg. 135
5. How did we get an annual calendar? Pg. 135
6. What do we know about the Egyptian Pyramids? Pg. 169
7. Is Emperor Nebuchadnezzar’s dream happening now? Pg. 207
8. Is India mentioned in the Bible? Pg. 211 (and elsewhere)
9. Why is BC and AD being replaced by BCE and CE in history? Pg. 218
10. Did Jesus visit India, live in Kashmir and study at Nalanda? Pg. 222
11. Did Thomas have a Pakistan connection? Pg. 288
12. What is the Indian connection with Thomas, the realist? Pg. 280
13. Who are the Namboodhirees? Pg. 292
14. How did the Indians become slaves of the invading Aryans? Pg. 292
15. Did Thiruvalluvar believe in the God of the Bible? Pg. 295
16. Are Thiruvundhiyaar and Sivagnanabotham Christian? Pg. 296
17. Did Thamizhagam have a Christian mass in the 1st Century AD? Pg. 297
18. Are all Indians Hindus? Pg. 110, 111, 300
19. How did Islam become a popular religion in India? Pg. 300
20. How did Roman Catholicism originate in India? Pg. 301
21. Who are the Anglo-Indians? Pg. 302
22. Is independent Israel in God’s will of His good pleasure? Pg. 405
23. Will those who forget His-story be condemned to repeat it? Pg. 414


24. Does the Bible talk about a Pangea before it broke up? Pg. 138, 289
25. How did the whole earth get populated? Pg. 139-140
26. What is the origin of the Muslim population in the world? Pg. 145-146
27. What is the origin of the Israelites (later Jews)? Pg. 158
28. Who are the Jews? Pg. 233
29. Why are many towns in India named with a ‘nagar’ suffix? Pg. 290
30. How was Europe populated? Pg. 291
31. How is the earth going to end? Pg. 414


32. Who is God? What is He like? Why is He so obsessed with this earth and with man? Pg. 52, 78
33. Is man God or can he become God? Pg. 61
34. How do we know about God? Pg. 72, 94, 432
35. What is the origin of the gods and goddesses that are being worshipped today? Pg. 136
36. What is the origin of the Phallus (lingam) worship? Pg. 137, 182
37. What is the purpose of a Gopuram/pyramid in a temple? Pg. 138
38. Why do people worship fire? Pg. 143
39. Why do people worship more than one god? Pg. 60, 167
40. Why do people worship the cow in India? Pg. 179
41. What is the origin of the Devadasi system? Pg. 182
42. What is the origin of the Convents? Pg. 182, 357
43. Why is Purim celebrated by the Jews even today? Pg. 214
44. Did three Wisemen come to visit baby Jesus at the manger? Pg. 221
45. Is Jesus a Western God imported into Asia? Pg. 222
46. Why do Roman Catholics offer a mass every time? Pg. 263
47. Why do people eat Kozhukattai / Modhak? Pg. 265
48. What is Bakrid? Pg. 265
49. What is the significance of the sacred ash and the vermillion on the forehead of Indians? Pg. 266
50. Are Jainism and Buddhism offshoots of the Thamizhar? Pg. 294, 295
51. What is the origin of the Thamizh Saivam and Vaishnavam? Pg. 298
52. Were Nandhanar and Thiruppaanazhwar martyrs? Pg. 299
53. Who was Aadhi Shankara? What are Shankara mutts? Pg. 105, 300
54. Was Ganesh Chathurthy a country-wide religious festival? Pg. 301
55. Was Kapaleeswarar temple in Mylapore originally Christian? Pg. 301
56. How did the term Hinduism come into existence? Pg. 303
57. Are Thamizhar Hindus? Pg. 303
58. Is Satan being worshipped openly today? Pg. 178, 371

Science and Logic

59. Is there a purpose and a plan behind everything that has ever happened, is happening, and will happen? Pg. 30 to 432
60. Was there light even before the Sun, Moon, and Stars? Pg. 30
61. Did God create darkness? Pg. 31
62. Are there any wormholes on this earth? Pg. 32, 138
63. Can Neutrinos be harmful to humans? Pg. 38
64. Is the Big-bang theory true? Pg. 41
65. Will asteroids bring an end to this world? Pg. 43
66. How did the natural order and organization around us happen? Pg. 49
67. Is Evolution science? Pg. 50, 101, 108, 367
68. Did someone lay a foundation for this earth? Pg. 51
69. Is there a God? Pg. 52, 377 (and everywhere in this book)
70. Can god create so large a stone that He cannot move it? Pg. 53
71. What will happen if everyone believes that there is no God? Pg. 63
72. Are there some things God cannot do? Pg. 64
73. Where did life originate? And when? 66
74. Can God, if He is God, bring back the past? Pg. 82
75. How is man different from animals? Pg. 101
76. Who was Cain’s wife? Pg. 118
77. How did the axis of the earth tilt 23 ½ degrees? Pg. 136
78. What was Jesus doing from age 12 to 30? Pg. 229
79. What does the future hold for mankind? Pg. 382-
80. How can a loving God send mankind to hell? Pg. 419
81. Will there be some time beyond time? Pg. 428
Big Questions of Stephen Hawking
82. Is there a God? Pg. 375
83. How did it all begin? Pg. 375
84. Can we predict the future? Pg. 376
85. What is inside a blackhole? Pg. 376
86. Is there other intelligent life in the universe? Pg. 377
87. Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) outsmart us? Pg. 378
88. How do we shape the future? Pg. 378
89. Will we survive on earth? Pg. 379
90. Should we colonize space? Pg. 379
91. Is time travel possible? Pg. 23, 380

Sociology and Ethics

92. Can one marry more than one partner? Pg. 98
93. Can children leave their parents and migrate to faraway places? Pg. 99
94. What is the origin of animal sacrifices? Pg. 110
95. What does the bible say about sex? Pg. 100, 122
96. What is the Bible’s position on LGBTQIAS2+? Pg. 122, 371
97. Does the Bible annihilate transgenders? Pg. 123, 124
98. Is adultery still a sin (even after court approval? Pg. 200
99. Would there be social discrimination in heaven? Pg. 228
100. What does the bible say about vegetarianism and veganism? Pg. 261
101. Where in the world do we get the reverential word “Aiah”? Pg. 291
102. Why are the untouchables in India still called Soothirar? Pg. 292
103. Is Sanskrit the first language? How did the Sanskrit originate? Pg. 297
104. Why were the missionaries from Britain hated by the Indians? Pg. 302
105. Why is Christianity labeled a Western religion by the Indians? Pg. 302
106. Why are Christians attacked by the Hindus even today? Pg. 302
107. How did Hindi as a language originate? Pg. 304
108. What was the contribution of Christians to Indian literacy? Pg. 304
109. Are genuine Christians converting the Hindus? Pg. 305
110. Who are the Israelites of today? Pg. 336, 337
111. Is Christianity a religion? Pg. 340
112. Should believers look for a bride of the same caste? Pg. 341
113. Was Jesus a racist? Pg. 341
114. Is cleanliness godliness? Pg. 353
115. Is celibacy a mark of holiness? Pg. 357
116. Is ‘living together’ permitted in the Bible? Pg. 357
117. Why do Christian couples divorce? Pg. 358
118. What is the cause of the conflict between the MIL and the DIL? Pg. 359
119. Should not Christian children be taught about loss and pain? Pg. 359
120. How did drugs become a thing of abuse? Pg. 368
121. Is modern Medical science promoting ethics? Pg. 368
122. Is Information Technology promoting an ethical environment? Pg. 369
123. What does the current state of affairs point to? Pg. 384-389
124. How are the Jewish Aryans deceiving the gullible ‘Indians’? Pg. 407
125. How significant is the peeling away of Article 377 and Article 497 from the Indian constitution? Pg. 409
126. Will a loving God condemn mankind to everlasting fire? Pg. 419


127. Why was the earth empty and void before the creation week? Pg. 31
128. What is the ultimate reason for the Bible to be written? Pg. 74
129. Can the Study Bibles be trusted for their commentaries? Pg.75
130. Are verses printed in Red in a Red-letter Bible more important? Pg.75
131. What happened immediately after the global flood of Noah’s time? Pg. 134
132. Can God speak through an unbeliever or a backslider? Pg. 180, 182
133. Could what Solomon wrote still be considered inspired? Pg. 204, 205
134. Did God inspire even the very words in the Bible? Pg. 204
135. Bible’s opinion about the barren, bastards and single mothers? Pg. 223
136. Why is meditating in the word of God essential for a believer? Pg. 232
137. Why did the people want to murder Jesus? Pg. 243
138. Were there earlier attempts to kill Jesus? Pg. 244
139. When was Satan cast to the ground? Pg. 259
140. Was Saul (later Paul) kicking against the goads? Pg. 278
141. How can an individual be in His-story? Pg. 312
142. Should Prophecy be taken literally? Pg. 319
143. Is Revelation difficult to understand? Pg. 383
144. Why is Revelation written in symbolic language? Pg. 383
145. Is Revelation painting a gory picture of the future? Pg. 383
146. What are the carcasses and eagles Christ spoke about? Pg. 390
147. What is this city ‘New Jerusalem’? Pg. 395
148. Will all the Jews be saved at the sight of His coming? Pg. 399
149. Will the Rapture be a secret happening? Pg. 400
150. Will the Church return with Jesus at his “third” appearance? Pg. 400
151. Who is the ‘man of sin’ and the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thess? Pg. 409
152. What happens when an unbelieving sinner dies in his sin? Pg. 417
153. What happens to the unbelievers who remain after the ‘catching up’ of the believers? Pg. 418
154. Why did God create hell and the lake of fire? Pg. 420
155. Who is the Bride of the heavenly Bridegroom? Pg. 392, 423, 425
156. Who will be the ‘marriage party’ at the marriage of the Lamb? Pg. 423
157. What do the details of ‘New Jerusalem’ mean in Revelation? Pg. 426


158. What are some Satan-made alternatives to faith in God? Pg. 59
159. Why don’t a majority of mankind believe in Jesus Christ today? Pg. 67
160. What is God’s purpose for the earth, mankind, and His church? Pg. 78
161. Will all God’s sons in glory be all of 33 ½ years or so? Pg. 79
162. How should Christians dress? Pg. 98
163. Why did God have respect for Abel and his offering? Pg. 119
164. Is it possible to live a life pleasing God in a family atmosphere? Pg. 125
165. Why does God allow pain and frustration in a believer’s life? Pg. 170
166. Should believers come out of their ‘mother church’? Pg. 175
167. Why did approximately six lakhs Israelites fail to reach Canaan? Pg. 184
168. Why is David still called, ‘a man after God’s own heart’? Pg. 200
169. Why are believers obsessed with missionary work? Pg. 272, 305
170. How should sin and sinners be dealt with in the church? Pg. 279
171. Is Paul the perfect example for believers to follow? Pg. 280
172. Would God give all that His servants ask for? Pg. 281
173. Did Paul set a great pattern for evangelizing the Gentiles? Pg. 282
174. Didn’t Paul condemn idol worship by the Athenians? Pg. 284
175. What happened to the other apostles of Jesus? Pg. 285
176. What is the greatest deception most of the “Elect” have fallen to? Pg. 317
177. What is the destiny of the believers in Jesus Christ? Pg. 340
178. Is Bible reading, praying, and attending Sunday church enough? Pg. 342
179. Is a pastor the head of the church? Pg. 344
180. Is the worship of modern churches biblical? Pg. 345
181. Is Tithing compulsory for the New Testament believer? Pg. 347
182. Does the current education system corrupt Christian children? Pg. 348
183. Is the entertainment system of today spoiling Christians? Pg. 350
184. Is Rock and Roll and film music OK for Christians? Pg. 351
185. Is sports and gymnastics (gym) for Christians? Pg. 352
186. Are video games OK for Christians? Pg. 352
187. Can Christian homes have pet animals like dogs? Pg. 354
188. How should Christians dress? Pg. 355
189. Can Christians buy costly bikes, cars, and gadgets? Pg. 356
190. Can Christians sweat more to earn more money? Pg. 358
191. Who is the husband in the Christian family? Pg. 358
192. How can Christian parents help their children live a godly life? Pg. 359
193. Is social media controlling Christian homes today? Pg. 360
194. Does media contribute to the destruction of Christian homes? Pg. 361
195. How should Christians treat money? Pg. 361, 362
196. Can Christian parents buy smartphones for their children? Pg. 363
197. What is a Christian’s net worth determined today? Pg. 365
198. Can Christians evade taxes? Pg. 366
199. Are the zodiac, horoscopes, and occult material for Christians? Pg. 371
200. Is Yoga Ok for Christians? Pg. 372
201. Are Godmen taking hold of Christians? Pg. 372
202. Should Christians ignore Revelation (and focus on the gospel)? Pg. 382
203. Were OT saints waiting for the second coming of Jesus? Pg. 384
204. Are believers deceived en masse about the end-times? Pg. 384
205. Are Christians in the midst of a great tribulation now? Pg. 386
206. Are we in the last days? Pg. 389
207. What is happening now as these are the last days? Pg. 391-399
208. What hasn’t Jesus given to His Bride, the Church? Pg. 393
209. Can the gates of hell prevail against Christ’s church? Pg. 394
210. Will believers and sinners rise up together on the last day? Pg. 402
211. What happens when a believer dies in his faith? Pg. 402
212. What happens to the believer who lives and remains faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ till His return? Pg. 403
213. Are believers living in the days of Noah and Lot now? Pg. 406

Christian Doctrine

214. Is Jesus the Father? Pg. 69
215. What is this unique Name given to Jesus? Pg. 70
216. Are Angels eternal? Pg. 87
217. Who is this character called Satan? Pg. 88
218. Is Satan eternal? Pg. 88
219. How can Adam’s sin become the sin of mankind? Pg. 112
220. Is Adam responsible for the present wretched state? Pg. 113
221. Who is Melchizedek? Pg. 152
222. Is the prosperity message a gospel? Pg. 168
223. Is once saved, forever saved? Pg. 205
224. What is the interpretation of Daniel’s dream in Chapter 9? Pg. 209-211
225. Why did Jesus shed His blood – the biological reason? Pg. 217, 239
226. Why would Jesus require baptism in water? Pg. 225
227. Will Elijah come again in the last days? Pg. 226
228. Who are the two witnesses of Revelation 11? Pg. 228
229. What is Hell? Is it the same as ‘the lake of fire’? Pg. 271
230. Is Christ building His church on Peter and today’s Pope? Pg. 276
231. Did Paul speak against evolution? Pg. 283
232. Where is Jesus Christ now? What is He doing? Pg. 313, 314
233. Where has been this Satan all along? Pg. 315
234. Will Jesus return secretly for His Church? Pg. 321
235. Will Antichrist emerge and reign for exactly seven years? Pg. 322
236. Who are these Antichrists and what are they doing now? Pg. 322-328
237. Is last-days Britain mentioned in the Bible? Pg. 328
238. How many times will Jesus return? Pg. 329
239. Will Jesus establish an earthly kingdom in the future to rule and reign for exactly one thousand years? Pg. 329
240. Will Satan be bound in chains and cast into a bottomless pit for exactly one thousand years? Pg. 330
241. Where is Satan now? What is he doing currently? Pg. 333
242. What is Satan’s destiny? Pg. 333
243. Will the Church reign with Jesus Christ in the future? Pg. 334
244. Will Jesus reign as King of the Jews from Jerusalem? Pg. 335
245. What are some cults that appear like Christianity? Pg. 343
246. Why are there many denominations in Christianity? Pg. 343
247. What does the Bible say about speaking in tongues? Pg. 346
248. Will all Jews be saved at the sight of the Lord’s coming? Pg. 399
249. Will Satan repent, and be accepted by God in the future? Pg. 421


250. What is the real meaning of the Zodiac? Pg. 95, 432
251. Was Noah a Thamizhar? Pg. 133
252. Was Noah a drunkard? Pg. 133
253. Why are many cities in Asia named “Ur”? Pg. 144, 290
254. Where does Job fit in history? Pg. 164
255. Who are the Freemasons? Pg. 178
256. Is there a woman behind every man’s success? Pg. 186
257. Does God know the age of animals? Pg. 188
258. What can God do with just a pot, a torch, and a trumpet? Pg. 188
259. Who was the first suicide attacker that committed homicide? Pg. 191
260. Were there non-Jewish people in Jesus’s genealogy? Pg. 191
261. Can technology aid the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Pg. 195
262. Have business owners been rude and boorish in the past too? Pg. 198
263. Have children always rebelled against their parents? Pg. 204
264. Does King Solomon have an Indian and an African connection? Pg. 201
265. Why is Jesus Christ the second Man-isan? Pg. 217
266. Didn’t Adam have blood in him when he was created? Pg. 217
267. Why was nobody born between 5th Oct 1582 to 14th Oct 1582? Pg. 219
268. What is “INRI” on the cross of Jesus Christ? Pg. 226
269. Is Maslow’s pyramid of needs mentioned in the Bible? Pg. 232
270. What does the bible say about money? Pg. 248
271. Why did Pilate wash his hands? Pg. 252
272. Can farm-bred meat, fast food, and GM food be consumed? Pg. 262
273. Was Mathias the choice of the Lord as His twelfth disciple? Pg. 274
274. Are Christmas, Lenten, Good Friday, and Easter Christian? Pg. 342
275. Can Christians take Ayurveda and Siddha for healing? Pg. 372
276. Should Christians ‘build’ their bodies at the gym? Pg. 354, 373
277. Is eating-out Ok for Christian families? Pg. 373
278. Can Christian families waste food? Pg. 373
279. Is Fast food the way out for busy Christian families? Pg. 373
280. Can Christians hold birthday parties? Pg. 374
281. Does Christ have breakfast with Christian preachers of today? Pg. 390
282. Should Christians pray for the peace of Jerusalem? Pg. 396
283. Will there be ‘nirvana’ in Heaven? Pg. 396, 425
284. Is the Church being built up of wood, hay, and stubble? Pg. 397
285. Will all believers become gods? Pg. 400

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