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A Brief His-Story of Time


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Chapter 001
Chapter-wise Headings and Page Numbers of the Contents of the book A Brief His-Story Of Time
Section 0

Prologue & How to read this book… 3
Questions dealt with in this book 10
Preface 20
Introduction 23
Synopsis 26
His-story and Time 30
His-story and Space 37
The Moon 39
The Planets 41
Asteroids 43
The Sun 43
The Stars 46
His-story and the Earth 48
God, His-story on Earth, and His Book 52
The Word of God 65
The word of God 72
His-story and His eternal purpose 78
God’s One Purpose 79
God’s One Plan – His Story 82
Milestones in God’s Plan 83
The Critical Tasks in God’s Plan 85
The Uniqueness of His Plan 86
His-story and His enemy Satan 87
His-story foretold in the Heavens 94
His-story unfolding on Earth in Time 97
Adam and Eve in His-story 97
Cain in His-story 115
Abel in His-story 119
Enoch in His-story 121
Noah in His-story 125
Nimrod in His-story 134
Abraham in His-story 141
Abram in His-story 141
Pharaoh (of Abram’s time) in His-story 144
Hagar in His-story 145
Ishmael in His-story 146
Lot in His-story 148
Abraham in His-story 149
Melchizedek’s Story 152
Isaac in His-story 153
Jacob in His-story 156
Joseph in His-story 160
Job in His-story 164
Job and the Great Pyramid of Egypt 169
Moses in His-story 171
The Pharaoh Sr. in His-story 171
The Pharaoh Jr. in His-story 174
Balak in His-story 180
Joshua in His-story 183
Sisera in His-story 185
Gideon in His-story 187
Manoah in His-story 189
Ruth in His-story 191
Saul in His-story 192
Goliath in His-story 193
David in His-story 194
Nabal in His-story 198
Bathsheba in His-story 199
Absalom in His-story 201
Solomon in His-story 202
Nebuchadnezzar in His-story 206
Daniel in His-story 206
Haman in His-story 211
Jesus – His-story 216
BC, AD, BCE, and CE 218
Herod in His-story 220
John the Baptist in His-story 223
The closest encounter ever in His-story 228
Jews in His-story 233
The Sadducees in His-story 236
The Pharisees in His-story 237
The Lawyers in His-story 240
The Scribes in His-story 241
The Jewish Public 242
Judas in His-story 246
Pilate and His-story 249
The His-storic Show-down 253
The ‘wise one’ who keeps committing blunders! 256
His-story unprecedented in history 258
His-story post His historic feat 267
A His-storic Goodbye, See-You-Again 267
His Disciples in His-story 272
Peter – Simon bar Jonah in His-story 275
Paul – Saul of Tarsus in His-story 278
Other Apostles in His-story 285
Thomas in His-story 286
India in His-story 289
His-story today 308
Aren’t you in His-story yet? 308
His Current Reign and Ministry 313
The war is shamefully on 315
The final encounter in His-story 316
The Great Deception 317
More deceptions in His-story 340
Christian Religion 340
Education 348
Entertainment 350
Environment and Animal Welfare 353
Fashion 355
Relationships 357
Media 360
Money 361
Consumerism 363
Net worth 365
Taxes 366
Science 367
Information Technology 369
Occult 371
New Age Lifestyle 372
Brief Answers to the Big Questions 375
His-story of the Future 382
His-story revealed ahead of time – again 382
His coming again in His-story 384
Signs of His Return 384
Enrolment of His last citizen in His Kingdom 391
Addition of His last sheep in His Fold 391
Binding up of the last bundle of tares in His Field 392
Removal of the last blemish in His Bride 392
Placement of His last stone in His Building 394
Settling in His last occupant in His New City 395
Birthing the last cell, tissue, and organ in His Body 398
Adopt the last Gentile & the last Israelite in His Family 398
His Return in His-story – the Rapture 400
The unexpectedness/unpredictability 412
Those who reject His-story are condemned and won’t repeat it 414
The heavens and the earth will face their end 414
The unbelievers will stand for judgement 415
There is no end to His-story 423
His-story beyond this earth 423
His-story beyond time 428
Index 430
The Gospel in the Stars 432

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