இயேசு அரசாளுகிறார்
A Brief His-Story of Time
Prologue and How to read this book
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Chapter 000
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This book A Brief His-story Of Time (ABHOT) is a product of a lifetime. God has strengthened me to pen these pages; The Holy Spirit has enabled me to write this book over a period of three years. If you are looking for an unbiased approach to the teachings in the Bible, you will profit from the learnings of a simple man from a great God. The Teacher Himself has been exposing His word to His servant for the benefit of many.
Most of the content in the book is original based on my understanding of the Scriptures; Citation of the source of content has been done wherever possible if the idea was picked up from sources other than the Bible. Some sources have not been cited for obvious reasons.
ABHOT contains material that you might be able to well relate to if they are within your sphere. For example, a student of History might appreciate content relating to man’s origins and world civilizations; a theologian might be able to relate to almost all pages that deal with God, His Purpose, and His Plan. All the while, other subjects might motivate you to explore deeper.
Teaching children, teens, youth, and grown-ups for more than four decades has exposed me to varied fields of academic interest. Apart from teaching the Bible at Sunday school, youth fellowships, and at our church, my teaching classical Science, Mathematics, Social science, Computers, Project management, and English, Hindi, and Tamizh languages has enabled me to include an array of topics. The Lord Jesus has brought me through a good number of experiences that have emerged as pages of this book.
You can read through the entire content serially; the book is presented as a detailed story – His-story – of the Son of God. However, you can also read chapters randomly, choosing a topic of your choice from the Contents (page 4), Questions dealt with in this book (Page 10), or from the Index (page 432). Every word has been meticulously chosen to convey the apt meaning. The first letters of the pronouns of God (He) are capitalized to minimize ambiguity. Italicized texts are contextual commentaries to the main topic.