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Theory of D’evil-ution

Theory of D’evil-ution

Charles Darwin, in “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”, deals with biological evolution. He presents in it many of his observations he recorded during his world trip to various biological ecosystems and finally to the Galapagos Islands. He then presented his inferences as facts.

Facts or lies? “Darwin's theory of evolution is based on key facts and the inferences drawn from them” says Wikipedia. Key facts? Might be, but inferences are not facts at all; they were his imaginations. For example, if a frog stops jumping to the sound of music after all its limbs are amputated, none should infer that the frog has become deaf. It just cannot jump, that’s all. Likewise, no intelligent man should infer that new species formed because the fittest survived by modifying the use of their organs. Note that a monkey always gives birth to a monkey, never to a man. The number of chromosomes of the species remains intact, though there are modifications in the gene (DNA). In fact, the modifications of the gene due to the combination effect is essential for producing individual identities – the offspring has a unique identity different from the parents. Else, all offspring will look alike and behave alike. However, natural mutations do occur, but they have always been harmful for the species. Never beneficial.

(Even Genetically Modified (GM) plants and animals (Broiler chicken?) of today are only commercially beneficial for businesses, but certainly harmful for the consumers in the long run).

The evil Theory of Evolution cooked up by the devil can be easily named Theory of D’evil-ution today.

Reason one: Atheism. The theory of Evolution is an extension of the faith of the atheists – there is no superior being called God. This denial of the existence of God the Creator, the superior-most being, was a lie that was unleashed by the Devil even at the time when man was created, right at the garden of Eden. Satan subtly suggested that man can be God himself. All that man needed was the possession of the special knowledge – the knowledge of good and evil. For this man had to first disobey God and break away from His control. Then, he can live independent of God. He does not have to remain accountable to a holy God. He can take his own decision as to what is good or evil for him; he can decide his own course; he can be his own boss; he can become his own God. He can also possess power as a dictator to bring his fellow beings under his control to rule and subdue them.

Reason two: Racism. Charles Darwin’s book has actively contributed to the rapid spread of racism among the common majority mostly through the ruling minority. Hitler believed that he was the fittest among all people around and that he should survive to keep his white-skinned Aryan race thriving. So, he started putting an end to the color-skinned races. Apartheid prevailed in South Africa until Nelson Mandela came into the scene after twenty-seven years of imprisonment. Black Lives Matter movement in the USA today is a witness to the fact that this inhuman racism is not an Asian or African phenomenon but is prevalent among the so called educated, civilized and democratic America and Europe. Casteism in India and elsewhere still prevails because an Aryan minority has managed to percolate the society’s roots through their epic mythologies and fabricated history that have stood their criticism for more than two thousand years. The British colonizers found these stories advantageous to them and so, have helped vigorously in bringing them into schools along with their English language. The British were shown to be a superior race like the ‘story-ans’, not historians. True history has been sidelined or veiled by volumes of content misconceived with deceptive intentions, written by hardcore racists and published by agencies funded by the ‘superior race’.

Reason three: Terrorism. While no one has ever observed the evolution of monkey to man, all of us are witness to the degeneration of mankind around the world from a cultured being to a barbaric animal. Terrorism is the most inhuman activity that has been killing masses in the last hundred years. World wars initiated the brutal bombing of large populations including animals and forests clearly revealing the deteriorating heart of man. Homicide, matricide, patricide and all such terms are easily found in the news every hour. Rape and murder are everyday happenings that have lost their gravity to the current generation that it does not even trigger an emotion in them against such ruthless crimes. Man against man is a shameful development (?) that is rarely found among even animal species.

Reason four: Fanaticism. While Evolution has more blind followers than any other religious beliefs, people overlook the fact that Darwin dealt with only biological evolution, not the other profound topics that must be included under its head. Cosmic evolution, stellar evolution, geological evolution, chemical evolution and the fundamental question of evolution of life from non-living matter are ignored by the believers of Darwin. However, they dare to state that everything evolved from nothing!

Reason five: Mathematics. Mathematical probability, when applied to the Evolution theory, exposes the impossibility of evolution of any kind as stated by the evolutionists. An ape becoming intelligent to evolve into a human being even over a period of millions of years would be ridiculous. The ;infinite monkey theorem' asks us to believe that by taking an infinite number of monkeys and sitting them down at typewriters, they will together type the whole text of Hamlet of Shakespeare. Eventually, the probability that even one of them will type the first letter of Shakespeare’s Hamlet correctly is one in twenty-six. The probability decreases to one in 626 for the next letter. After just 15 characters the probability decreases to an infinitesimally small number - one in 26 X 26 X 26 X 26 X...15 times or one in 26 to the power 16 - a humongous number. And there are more than 130,000 characters to go still in Hamlet. Does at least one of these or its distant offspring have a chance to evolve to a stenographer?

Reason six: Physics. We know there are physical laws and constants that govern everything on earth and space. A simultaneous fine-tuning of these constants was required in such a way that everything fits well in the grand design of things. These physical constants that have been discovered by scientists to support physical equations and measurements certainly could not have come into fine-tuned existence instantaneously unless they were perfectly put there. None of these could have evolved from zero and arrived at the present value slowly and individually. All these had to be in place – all at the same time, and with the exact values – so that our earth exists as a single entity and co-exists with other heavenly bodies and sustains life.

Some of the most widely recognized physical constants are the rationalized Planck's constant ħ, the gravitational constant G, the speed of light in a vacuum c, the electric constant ε0, the elementary charge e, and the fine-structure constant α. Physicists recognize that if these constants were significantly different from their current values, the universe would be so radically different that stars like our Sun would not be able to exist and intelligent life would not have emerged. –New World Encyclopedia.

Again, the second law of thermodynamics, a fundamental rule that determines the fate of the universe, states: Disorder always increases unless someone does something to stop it.

Is it not high time we humans acknowledged the existence of God the Creator who alone can bring about conviction, repentance, and a turnaround in the heart of mankind? Let this begin from me and let it trickle down to the last man.

Theory of D’evil-ution
Gospel refuting Evolution
New Age
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