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God loves God's own Country

I am proud to be a Malayalee and to claim Kerala my own. But it is primarily God’s own country. Dheergaayushman bhava! Men might have given this nickname to Kerala, but does the world realize that even God recognizes Kerala His own. Here is why -  He sent His disciple Saint Thomas to North Paravoor and Kodungalloor even in the first century to bring His good news to us.

Malayalees have always been very god-fearing people. At least three of the largest temples in our country are situated in Kerala – Guruvayoor, Shabarimala and Thiruvananthapuram. They also have been seeking for long life without end – This place is known worldwide for Ayurveda and Malayalees live longer than most other people in the world.

God accepts everyone that fears Him and practices justice irrespective of the race or caste he belongs to. This is probably why God sent his message of love to the Malabar coast within 20 years of His revelation of Himself to mankind as Jesus Christ, the Son of God – the very image of God.

God saw that we had lost our relationship with Him because of sin. Sin led to frustration, dissatisfaction and disappointment resulting in death and eternal separation from God (hell). (Our Malayalee community has one of the highest divorce and suicide rates in the country). God says, “The wages of sin is death”. So, He wanted to redeem us from this wretched state. This redemption could be possible only through shedding of blood. (We Malayalees have turned away from God and His Way though we recognize that we are sinners (wear black attire to temple), bear our sin burden on our head (carry a bundle with two knots), realize that God is holy and knows every thing and we need to humble ourselves before Him (bare ourselves in front of god), and keep shedding blood (by sacrificing animals, breaking coconuts and vermillion filled pumpkins to idols) hoping to earn the favor of God. We forgot the good news sent to us first that Jesus Christ has shed His precious blood to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus died on the cross bearing all our sins and curse on Himself so that we can receive forgiveness of sins, inner peace and eternal life.

It is Jesus who is the Truth (Sath) to the world filled with lies & deception (Asathoma). It is Jesus who is the light (Jyothir) to the dark (Thamasoma) world. It is Jesus who is the Life (Amritham) to this dying (Mruthyoma) world. It is this Jesus the Good Master (Sathguru) who said of Himself, “I am the way, the truth and the life”. He died but rose again as He is God. Saint Thomas was an eyewitness and the first to address Him, “My Lord and My God” after Jesus bodily rose from the dead.

Jesus the Lord who is worthy of all reverence (Shree Shree) is the real Sun (Ravi) that dawned in the dark life of mankind and has done the greatest good (Shankar) to us by showing us God the Father (Sayee Baba).

There could also be another reason for God choosing this region His own – Malayalees have reached every corner of this earth and He wanted us to take this good news to every man. Jesus has promised to come back for His believers so that they can live with Him in Heaven forever.

God’s way of salvation and redemption is simple and free. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you and your house shall be saved. You will live life without end with Him. Dheergaayushman bhava!

God loves God's own Country
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